入口/修正信息 函数



AddEntryPoint(ordinal, ea, name, makecode)
""" Add entry point @param ordinal: entry point number if entry point doesn't have an ordinal number, 'ordinal' should be equal to 'ea' @param ea: address of the entry point @param name: name of the entry point. If null string, the entry point won't be renamed. @param makecode: if 1 then this entry point is a start of a function. Otherwise it denotes data bytes. @return: 0 - entry point with the specifed ordinal already exists 1 - ok
    Retrieve entry point ordinal number

    @param index: 0..GetEntryPointQty()-1

    @return: 0 if entry point doesn't exist
    Retrieve entry point address

    @param ordinal: entry point number
        it is returned by GetEntryPointOrdinal()

    @return: BADADDR if entry point doesn't exist
            otherwise entry point address.
            If entry point address is equal to its ordinal
            number, then the entry point has no ordinal.
    Retrieve entry point name

    @param ordinal: entry point number, ass returned by GetEntryPointOrdinal()

    @return: entry point name or None
RenameEntryPoint(ordinal, name):
    Rename entry point

    @param ordinal: entry point number
    @param name: new name

    @return: !=0 - ok


    Find next address with fixup information

    @param ea: current address

    @return: BADADDR - no more fixups otherwise returns the next
                address with fixup information
    Find previous address with fixup information

    @param ea: current address

    @return: BADADDR - no more fixups otherwise returns the
                previous address with fixup information
    Get fixup target type

    @param ea: address to get information about

    @return: -1 - no fixup at the specified address
                otherwise returns fixup target type:
    Get fixup target selector

    @param ea: address to get information about

    @return: -1 - no fixup at the specified address
                    otherwise returns fixup target selector
    Get fixup target offset

    @param ea: address to get information about

    @return: -1 - no fixup at the specified address
                otherwise returns fixup target offset
    Get fixup target displacement

    @param ea: address to get information about

    @return: -1 - no fixup at the specified address
                otherwise returns fixup target displacement
SetFixup(ea, fixuptype, targetsel, targetoff, displ):
    Set fixup information

    @param ea: address to set fixup information about
    @param fixuptype: fixup type. see GetFixupTgtType()
                      for possible fixup types.
    @param targetsel: target selector
    @param targetoff: target offset
    @param displ: displacement

    @return:        none
    Delete fixup information

    @param ea: address to delete fixup information about

    @return: None