NOIp 2018 前的数学板子总结


Euclidean algorithm

用于求两个数的最大公因数, 也称辗转相除法。


(z mid x), (z mid y), 则(z mid (y - x))

(z)不是(x)的因子, 则(z)不是(x), (y - x)的公因子。

(z mid x), (z)不是(y)的因子, 则(z)不是(x), (y - x)的公因子。


template<typename IntegerType> 
inline IntegerType Euclidean(const IntegerType &a, const IntegerType &b) {
  return b ? Euclidean(b, a % b) : a;

template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType Euclidean(register IntegerType a, register IntegerType b) {
  if (b) while (b ^= a ^= b ^= a %= b) {}
  return a;

Extended Euclidean algorithm

用于求在已知((a, b))时, 求解一组((x, y)), 使得(ax+by=(a, b))

首先, 书上说根据数论中的相关定理, 解一定存在。

其次, 因为((a, b) = (b, a mod b)), 所以

[egin {aligned} ax + by &= (a, b) \ &= (b, a mod b) \ &= bx + (a mod b)y \ &= bx + (a - lfloor frac{a}{b} floor b)y \ &= ay + (x - lfloor frac{a}{b} floor y)b end {aligned} ]

根据前面的结论: (a)(b)都在减小, 当(b)减小到(0)时, 就可以得出(x = 1), (y = 0)。然后递归回去就可以求出最终的(x)(y)了。


template<typename IntegerType>
inline void ExtendedEuclidean(const IntegerType &a, const IntegerType &b, register IntegerType &gcd, register IntegerType &x, register IntegerType &y) {
  if (!b) {
    x = 1, y = 0, gcd = a;
  } else {
    ExtendedEuclidean(b, a % b, gcd, y, x), 
    y -= a / b * x;

Modular multiplicative inverse

若有(ax equiv 1 pmod b)(其中(a), (b)互素), 则称(x)(a)的逆元, 记为(a^{-1})


[a cdot a^{-1} equiv 1 pmod b ]

逆元的一大应用是模意义下的除法, 除法在模意义下并不是封闭的,但我们可以根据上述公式,将其转化为乘法。

[frac{x}{a} = x cdot a^{-1} pmod b ]

Quick Power

根据Fermat's little theorem(即(a^p equiv a pmod p), 其中(p)为素数且(a)(p)的倍数。若(a), (p)互素, 则有(a^{p - 1} equiv 1 pmod p))的公式, 变形可以得到

[a cdot a^{p - 2} equiv 1 pmod p ]

根据乘法逆元的定义, (a^{p - 2})即为(a)的乘法逆元。

使用快速幂计算, 时间复杂度为(Theta(lg p))


template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType QuickPower(register IntegerType base, register IntegerType times, const IntegerType &kMod) {
  register IntegerType ret(1);
  while (times) {
    if (times & 1) ret = ret * base % kMod;
    base = base * base % kMod,
    times >>= 1;
  return ret % kMod;
template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType ModularMultiplicativeInverse(const IntegerType a, const IntegerType &p) {
  return QuickPower(a, p - 2, p);
Extended Euclidean algorithm

Extended Euclidean algorithm用来求解方程(ax + by = (a, b))的一组解, 其中, 当(b)为素数时, 有((a, b) = 1), 则有

[ax equiv 1 pmod b ]

时间复杂度: (Theta(lg a))

template<typename IntegerType>
inline void ExtendedEuclidean(const IntegerType &a, const IntegerType &b, register IntegerType &x, register IntegerType &y) {
  if (!b) {
    x = 1, y = 0;
  } else {
    ExtendedEuclidean(b, a % b, y, x), 
    y -= a / b * x;
template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType ModularMultiplicativeInverse(const IntegerType a, const IntegerType &p) {
  register IntegerType x, y;
  ExtendedEuclidean(a, p, x, y);
  return (x % p + p) % p;

(t = lfloor frac{p}{i} floor), (k = p mod i), 那么

[ti + k equiv 0 pmod p Rightarrow -ti equiv k pmod p ]

两边同时除以(ki), 得到

[-tk^{-1} equiv i^{-1} pmod p ]

(t)(k)替换回来, 得到递推式

[i^{-1} = (p - lfloor frac{p}{i} floor)(p mod i)^{-1} mod p ]

其中(i leq p)

时间复杂度: (Theta(a))


template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType ModularMultiplicativeInverse(const IntegerType a, const IntegerType &p) {
  register IntegerType inverse[100000] = {0, 1};
  for (register IntegerType i(2); i <= a; ++i) {
    inverse[i] = ((-p / i * inverse[p % i]) % p + p) % p;
  return inverse[a];

Chinese remainder theorem

设自然数(m_1, m_2, cdots , m_r)两两互素, 并记(N = m_1m_2cdots m_r), 则同余方程组:

[egin{cases} x equiv a_1 pmod {m_1} \ x equiv a_2 pmod {m_2} \ cdots \ x equiv a_r pmod {m_r} end{cases} ]



考虑方程组((1 leq i leq r)):

[egin{cases} x equiv 0 pmod {m_1} \ cdots \ x equiv 0 pmod {m_{i - 1}} \ x equiv 1 pmod {m_i} \ x equiv 0 pmod {m_{i + 1}} \ cdots \ x equiv 0 pmod {m_r} end{cases} ]

由于各(m_i)((1 leq i leq r))两两互素, 这个方程组作变量替换, 令(x = lfloor frac{N}{m_i} floor y), 方程组等价于解同余方程: (lfloor frac{N}{m_i} floor y equiv 1 pmod {m_i}), 若要得到特解(y_i), 只要令:(x_i = lfloor frac{N}{m_i} floor y_i), 则方程组的解为:(x_0 = a_1x_1 + a_2x_2 + cdots + a_rx_r pmod N), 在模(N)的意义下唯一。

时间复杂度: (Theta(n lg a))

template<typename IntegerType>
inline void ExtendedEuclidean(const IntegerType &a, const IntegerType &b, register IntegerType &x, register IntegerType &y) {
  if (!b) {
    x = 1, y = 0;
  } else {
    ExtendedEuclidean(b, a % b, y, x), 
    y -= a / b * x;
template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType ChineseRemainderTheorem(const std::vector<IntegerType> &a, const std::vector<IntegerType> &m) {
  register IntegerType N(1), x, y, ret(0);
  for (auto i : m) {
    N *= i;
  for (register int i(0), maximum(a.size()); i < maximum; ++i) {
    register IntegerType b(N / m[i]);
    ExtendedEuclidean(b, m[i], x, y),
    ret = (ret + b * x * a[i]) % N;
  return (ret % N + N) % N;

Extended Chinese remainder theorem

并不是所有的同余方程组的(m_i)((1 leq i leq r))都互素, 这时候就需要用到扩展中国剩余定理。


[egin{cases} x equiv a_1 pmod {m_1} \ x equiv a_2 pmod {m_2} \ cdots \ x equiv a_r pmod {m_r} end{cases} ]

我们首先只考虑其中的两个方程, 可以得到

[egin {cases} x = a_1 + k_1m_1 \ x = a_2 + k_2m_2 end {cases} Rightarrow a_1 + k_1m_1 = a_2 + k_2m_2 \ Rightarrow k_2m_2 - k_1m_1 = a_1 - a_2 ]

其形式类似于(ax + by = c)

则当((m_1, m_2) mid (a_1 - a_2))时, 方程无解。

((m_1, m_2) mid (a_1 - a_2)), 就用Extended Euclidean algorithm求出(m_1x + m_2y = (m_1, m_2))(y), 两边同时乘上(frac{a_1 - a_2}{(m_1, m_2)}), 就得到了(k_1)

然后反推(x), 得到(x = a_1 - k_1m_1)

这个(x)适用于这两个方程, 设它为(x_0), 就得到了通解: (x = x_0 + k[m_1, m_2]), 且原两个方程与该方程是等价的。

我们把这个方程稍微转化一下, 就得到了新的同余方程: (x equiv x_0 pmod {[m_1, m_2]}), 以此类推, 得到的最后的方程的最小非负数解就是我们要找的答案。

时间复杂度: (Theta(n lg b))

题目链接: POJ 2891 Strange Way to Express Integers

#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
int n;
template<typename IntegerType>
inline void ExtendedEuclidean(const IntegerType &a, const IntegerType &b, register IntegerType &gcd, register IntegerType &x, register IntegerType &y) {
  if (!b) {
    x = 1, y = 0, gcd = a;
  } else {
    ExtendedEuclidean(b, a % b, gcd, y, x), 
    y -= a / b * x;
template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType ExtendedChineseRemainderTheorem(const std::vector<IntegerType> &a, const std::vector<IntegerType> &m) {
  register IntegerType N(m[1]), ret(a[1]), x, y, gcd;
  for (register int i(0), maximum(a.size()); i < maximum; ++i) {
    ExtendedEuclidean(N, m[i], gcd, x, y);
    if ((ret - a[i]) % gcd) return -1;
    x = (ret - a[i]) / gcd * x % m[i],
    ret -= N * x;
    N = N / gcd * m[i];
    ret %= N;
  return (ret % N + N) % N;
std::vector<long long> a, r;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  while (~scanf("%d", &n)) {
    a.clear(), r.clear();
    for (register long long i(1), _a, _r; i <= n; ++i) {
      scanf("%lld %lld", &_a, &_r);
      a.push_back(_a), r.push_back(_r);
", ExtendedChineseRemainderTheorem(r, a));
  return 0;



时间复杂度: (Theta(sqrt{n}))

template<typename IntegerType>
inline bool IsPrime(const IntegerType &n) {
  for (register int i(2); i * i <= n; ++i) {
    if (!(n % i)) return false;
  return true;

Sieve of Eratosthenes



  1. 使(p)等于(2), 即最小的素数
  2. 将表中所有(p)的倍数标记为合数
  3. 使(p)等于表中大于(p)的最小素数, 若没有则结束
  4. 重复第(2)

时间复杂度: (Theta(n lg lg n))

题目链接: Luogu P3383 【模板】线性筛素数

#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
int n, m;
bool isnt_prime[10000010] = {1, 1};
std::vector<int> prime;
inline void SieveOfEratosthenes() {
  for (register int i(2); i <= n; ++i) {
    if (!isnt_prime[i]) {
    for (auto j : prime) {
      if (i * j > n) break;
      isnt_prime[i * j] = 1;
      if (!(i % j)) break;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
  for (register int i(0), x; i < m; ++i) {
    scanf("%d", &x),
    puts(isnt_prime[x] ? "No" : "Yes");
  return 0;

Miller-Rabin primality test

这是一种随机性素性测试算法, 结果可能出错, 但可能性极小。


(p)为素数, (a)为正整数, 且((a, p) e 1), 则(a^p equiv a pmod p)

若有((a, p) = 1), 则(a^{p - 1} equiv 1 pmod p)

但对于一些数(p), 它们满足(a^p equiv a pmod p), 但却是合数, 我们将它们定义为伪素数(Pseudoprime)。

费马小定理的逆定理并不成立, 但很多时候是可行的。


取多个底(a)使得((a, n) = 1), 测试是否有(a^{p - 1} equiv 1 pmod p), 若成立, 则可以近似地将(n)看作素数。

还有一类被称为Carmichael数的数, 它们满足(a^{p - 1} equiv 1 pmod p), 但是是合数。

为了减少Carmichael数对素性测试的影响, 我们引进一个引理:

(1)(-1)的平方模(p)总得到(1), 称它们为(1)的平凡平方根; 同样地, 有(1)的非平凡平方根。使得(x)为一个与(1)关于模(p)同余的数的平方根, 那么:

[x^{2}equiv 1{pmod {p}} \ (x-1)(x+1)equiv 0{pmod {p}} ]

换句话说, (p mid (x - 1)(x + 1))。根据Euclid's lemma, (p mid (x - 1))(p mid (x + 1)), 也就是(x equiv 1 pmod p)(x equiv -1 pmod p)

由此推出, 若(p)为素数, 那么(x^2 equiv 1 pmod p)((0 < x < p))的解为(egin{cases}x_1 = 1 \ x_2 = p - 1end{cases})

时间复杂度: (Theta(s log_3n))((s)为测试次数)

题目链接: hihoCoder #1287 : 数论一·Miller-Rabin质数测试

#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType QuickMultiplication(register IntegerType base, register IntegerType times, const IntegerType &kMod) {
	register IntegerType ret(0);
	base %= kMod;
	while (times) {
		if (times & 1) ret = (ret + base) % kMod;
		base = (base << 1) % kMod,
		times >>= 1;
	return ret % kMod;
template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType QuickPower(register IntegerType base, register IntegerType times, const IntegerType &kMod) {
  register IntegerType ret(1);
	base %= kMod;
	while (times) {
		if (times & 1) ret = QuickMultiplication(ret, base, kMod);
		base = QuickMultiplication(base, base, kMod),
		times >>= 1;
	return ret % kMod;
template<typename IntegerType>
inline bool MillerRabin(const IntegerType &n) {
	if (n <= 2) return n == 2;
	if (!(n & 1)) return false;
	register int times(0);
	register IntegerType a, x, y, u(n - 1);
	while (!(u & 1)) ++times, u >>= 1;
	for (register int i(0); i < 10; ++i) {
		a = rand() % (n - 1) + 1,
		x = QuickPower(a, u, n);
		for (register int j(0); j < times; ++j) {
			y = QuickMultiplication(x, x, n);
			if (y == 1 && x != 1 && x != n - 1) return false;
			x = y;
		if (x != 1) return false;
	return true;
int T;
long long num;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
	scanf("%d", &T);
	while (T--) {
		scanf("%lld", &num);
		puts(MillerRabin(num) ? "Yes" : "No");
	return 0;

Euler's totient function的线性筛选法


  1. (phi(p) = p - 1)
  2. 如果(i mod p = 0), 那么(phi(ip) = pphi(i))
  3. (i mod p e 0), 那么(phi(ip) = (p - 1)phi(i))

时间复杂度: 趋近于(Theta(n))

template<typename IntegerType>
inline void SieveOfPhi() {
  phi[1] = 1;
  for (register IntegerType i(2); i <= n; ++i) {
    if (!iscomposite[i]) {
      phi[i] = i - 1;
    for (auto j : prime) {
      if (i * j > n) break;
      iscomposite[i * j] = true;
      if (!(i % j)) {
        phi[i * j] = phi[i] * j;
      } else {
        phi[i * j] = phi[i] * (j - 1);



时间复杂度: (Theta(sqrt n))

template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType Phi(register IntegerType n) {
  register IntegerType ret(n);
  for (register IntegerType i(2); i * i <= n; ++i) {
    if (!(n % i)) {
      ret -= ret / i;
      while (!(n % i)) n /= i;
  return n > 1 ? ret - ret / i : ret;


Lucas's theorem

Lucas's theorem是用来求({n choose m} mod p)的值。其中: (n)(m)时非负整数, (p)是素数。

Lucas's theorem的结论:

  1. (Lucas(n, m, p) = cm(n mod p, m mod p) cdot Lucas(lfloor frac{n}{p} floor, lfloor frac{m}{p} floor, p));

    (Lucas(x, 0, p) = 1);

    其中, (cm(a, b) = a!(b!(a - b)!)^{p - 2} mod p = frac{a!(b!)^{p - 2}}{(a - b)!})

  2. 对于非负整数(m)(n)以及素数(p), 将(n)(m)(p)进制方式表达, 即

    [m=m_{k}p^{k}+m_{k-1}p^{k-1}+cdots +m_{1}p+m_{0} ]

    [n=n_{k}p^{k}+n_{k-1}p^{k-1}+cdots +n_{1}p+n_{0} ]


    [{inom {m}{n}}equiv prod _{i=0}^{k}{inom {m_{i}}{n_{i}}}{pmod {p}} ]

时间复杂度: (Theta(log_pn))

题目链接: Luogu P3807 【模板】卢卡斯定理

long long a[100010];
template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType pow(register IntegerType base, register IntegerType times, const IntegerType &kMod) {
	register IntegerType ans(1);
	base %= kMod;
	while (times) {
		if (times & 1) ans = ans * base % kMod;
		base = base * base % kMod,
		times >>= 1;
	return ans;
template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType C(const IntegerType &n, const IntegerType &m, const IntegerType &kMod) {
    return m > n ? 0 : a[n] * pow(a[m], kMod - 2, kMod) % kMod * pow(a[n - m], kMod - 2, kMod) % kMod;
template<typename IntegerType>
inline IntegerType Lucas(const IntegerType &n, const IntegerType &m, const IntegerType &kMod) {
    return m ? C(n % kMod, m % kMod, kMod) * Lucas(n / kMod, m / kMod, kMod) % kMod : 1;
int T;
long long n, m, p;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    scanf("%d", &T);
    while (T--) {
			register long long n, m;
			scanf("%lld %lld %lld", &n, &m, &p);
        a[0] = 1;
        for (register long long i(1); i <= p; ++i) {
					a[i] = a[i - 1] * i % p;
", Lucas(n + m, n, p));


#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#define EPS 1e-8
class matrix {
  std::vector<std::vector<double> > mat;
  unsigned long swap_times;
  matrix(const matrix&);//初始化为另一个矩阵的构造函数
  matrix(const unsigned long&, const unsigned long&);//同初始化的构造函数
  std::vector<double>& operator [](const unsigned long &lines) {//下标运算符
    return mat[lines];
  void assign(const unsigned long&, const unsigned long&);//初始化
  friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream&, const matrix&);//输出流
  matrix operator +(const matrix &another) const {//加法
    assert(this->mat.size() == another.mat.size() && this->mat.size() ? this->mat[0].size() == another.mat[0].size() : true);
    if (!this->mat.size() || !this->mat[0].size()) return matrix();
    matrix ret(this->mat.size() - 1, this->mat[0].size() - 1);
    for (unsigned long i(1), row(this->mat.size()); i < row; ++i) {
      for (unsigned long j(1), column(this->mat[0].size()); j < column; ++j) {
        ret[i][j] = this->mat[i][j] + another.mat[i][j];
    return ret;
  matrix& operator +=(const matrix &another) {
    *this = *this + another;
    return *this;
  matrix operator -(const matrix &another) const {//减法
    assert(this->mat.size() == another.mat.size() && this->mat.size() ? this->mat[0].size() == another.mat[0].size() : true);
    if (!this->mat.size() || !this->mat[0].size()) return matrix();
    matrix ret(this->mat.size() - 1, this->mat[0].size() - 1);
    for (unsigned long i(1), row(this->mat.size()); i < row; ++i) {
      for (unsigned long j(1), column(this->mat[0].size()); j < column; ++j) {
        ret[i][j] = this->mat[i][j] - another.mat[i][j];
    return ret;
  matrix& operator -=(const matrix &another) {
    *this = *this - another;
    return *this;
  matrix operator *(const double &number) const {//数乘
    if (!this->mat.size() || !this->mat[0].size()) return matrix();
    matrix ret(this->mat.size() - 1, this->mat[0].size() - 1);
    for (unsigned long i(1), row(this->mat.size()); i < row; ++i) {
      for (unsigned long j(1), column(this->mat[0].size()); j < column; ++j) {
        ret[i][j] = this->mat[i][j] * number;
    return ret;
  friend matrix operator *(const double&, const matrix&);//数乘
  matrix& operator *=(const double &number) {
    *this = *this * number;
    return *this;
  matrix operator ~() const {//转置
    if (!this->mat.size() || !this->mat[0].size()) return matrix();
    matrix ret(this->mat[0].size() - 1, this->mat.size() - 1);
    for (unsigned long i(1), row(this->mat.size()); i < row; ++i) {
      for (unsigned long j(1), column(this->mat[0].size()); j < column; ++j) {
        ret[j][i] = this->mat[i][j];
    return ret;
  matrix operator *(const matrix &another) const {//矩阵乘法
    if (!this->mat.size() || !this->mat[0].size() || !another.mat.size() || !another.mat[0].size()) return matrix();
    assert(this->mat[0].size() == another.mat.size());
    matrix ret(this->mat.size() - 1, another.mat[0].size() - 1);
    for (unsigned long i(1), row(this->mat.size()); i < row; ++i) {
      for (unsigned long j(1), column(another.mat[0].size()); j < column; ++j) {
        ret.mat[i][j] = 0.00000000;
        for (unsigned long k(1), tmp(this->mat.size()); k < tmp; ++k) {
          ret.mat[i][j] += this->mat[i][k] * another.mat[k][j];
    return ret;
  matrix operator *=(const matrix &another) {
    *this = *this * another;
    return *this;
  matrix operator ^(unsigned long times) const {//矩阵快速幂
    if (!this->mat.size() || !this->mat[0].size()) return matrix();
    assert(this->mat[0].size() == this->mat.size());
    matrix ret(this->mat.size() - 1, this->mat.size() - 1), base(*this);
    while (times) {
      if (times & 1) ret = ret * base;
      base  = base * base,
      times >>= 1;
    return ret;
  matrix swap_row(const unsigned long&, const unsigned long&);//交换两行
  matrix swap_column(const unsigned long&, const unsigned long&);//交换两列
  matrix eliminate();//高斯消元
  double det();//行列式
  matrix cofactor(const unsigned long&, const unsigned long&);//余子式
  matrix algebraic_cofactor(const unsigned long&, const unsigned long&);//代数余子式
  matrix principal_minor(const unsigned long&);//主子式
matrix::matrix() {
  mat = std::vector<std::vector<double> >();
matrix::matrix(const matrix &mat) {
  *this = mat;
matrix::matrix(const unsigned long &row, const unsigned long &column) {
  mat.clear(), mat.assign(row + 1, std::vector<double>(column + 1, 0.000000));
  for (unsigned long i(0), maximum(std::min(row, column)); i <= maximum; mat[i][i] = 1.000000, ++i);
void matrix::assign(const unsigned long &row, const unsigned long &column) {
  mat.clear(), mat.assign(row + 1, std::vector<double>(column + 1, 0.000000));
  for (unsigned long i(0), maximum(std::min(row, column)); i <= maximum; mat[i][i] = 1.000000, ++i);
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &os, const matrix &mat) {
  for (unsigned long i(1), row(mat.mat.size()); i < row; ++i) {
    for (unsigned long j(1), column(mat.mat[0].size()); j < column; ++j) {
      os << mat.mat[i][j] << (j == column - 1 ? '
' : ' ');
  return os;
matrix operator *(const double &number, const matrix &mat) {
  if (!mat.mat.size() || !mat.mat[0].size()) return matrix();
  matrix ret(mat.mat.size() - 1, mat.mat[0].size() - 1);
  for (unsigned long i(1), row(mat.mat.size()); i < row; ++i) {
    for (unsigned long j(1), column(mat.mat[0].size()); j < column; ++j) {
      ret[i][j] = mat.mat[i][j] * number;
  return ret;
matrix matrix::swap_row(const unsigned long &index1, const unsigned long &index2) {
  assert(index1 > 0 && index1 < this->mat.size()),
  assert(index2 > 0 && index2 < this->mat.size());
  matrix ret(*this);
  if (index1 == index2) return ret;
  std::swap(ret[index1], ret[index2]);
  return ret;
matrix matrix::swap_column(const unsigned long &index1, const unsigned long &index2) {
  matrix ret(*this);
  return ~((~ret).swap_row(index1, index2));
matrix matrix::eliminate() {
  swap_times = 0;
  matrix ret(*this);
  unsigned long h(1), k(1), m(ret.mat.size() - 1), n(ret.mat[0].size() - 1), i_max;
  double f;
  while (h < m && k <= n) {
    i_max = h;
    for (unsigned long i(h + 1); i <= m; ++i) {
      i_max = fabs(ret[i_max][k]) > fabs(ret[i][k]) ? i_max : i;
    if (fabs(ret[i_max][k]) < EPS) ++k;
    else {
      ret.swap_row(h, i_max), swap_times += h != i_max;
      for (unsigned long i(h + 1); i <= m; ++i) {
        f = ret[i][k] / ret[h][k];
        ret[i][k] = 0.00000000;
        for (unsigned long j(k + 1); j <= n; ++j) {
          ret[i][j] -= ret[h][j] * f;
      ++h, ++k;
  return ret;
double matrix::det() {
  matrix tmp(this->eliminate());
  double ret(1.00000000);
  if (!tmp.mat.size()) return ret;
  assert(tmp.mat.size() == tmp.mat[0].size());
  for (int i(1), lines(tmp.mat.size()); i < lines; ++i) {
    ret *= tmp[i][i];
  return ret * (swap_times & 1 ? -1.00000000 : 1.00000000);
matrix matrix::cofactor(const unsigned long &row, const unsigned long &column) {
  matrix ret;
  if (!this->mat.size() || !this->mat[0].size()) return ret;
  ret.mat.assign(this->mat.size() - 1, std::vector<double>(1, 0.00000000));
  unsigned long h(1), m(this->mat.size()), n(this->mat[0].size() - 1);
  for (unsigned long i(1); i < m; ++i) {
    if (i == row) continue;
    if (column == 1) {
      ret.mat[h].insert(ret.mat[h].end(), this->mat[i].begin() + 2, this->mat[i].end());
    } else if (column == n) {
      ret.mat[h].insert(ret.mat[h].end(), this->mat[i].begin() + 1, this->mat[i].end() - 1);
    } else {
      ret.mat[h].insert(ret.mat[h].end(), this->mat[i].begin() + 1, this->mat[i].begin() + column);
      ret.mat[h].insert(ret.mat[h].end(), this->mat[i].begin() + column + 1, this->mat[i].end());
  matrix true_ret(this->mat.size() - 2, this->mat[0].size() - 2);
  for (unsigned long i(1); i < m - 1; ++i) {
    for (unsigned long j(1); j < n; ++j) {
      true_ret[i][j] = ret[i][j];
  return true_ret;
matrix matrix::algebraic_cofactor(const unsigned long &row, const unsigned long &column) {
  return this->cofactor(row, column) * ((row + column) & 1 ? -1.00000000 : 1.00000000);
matrix matrix::principal_minor(const unsigned long &lines) {
  return this->cofactor(lines, lines);
#undef EPS
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  return 0;

Kirchhoff's theorem


  1. (G)的度数矩阵(D_G)是一个(n×n)的矩阵, 并且满足: 当(i e j)时, (d_{ij} = 0); 当(i = j)时, (d_{ij})等于(v_i)的度数。
  2. (G)的邻接矩阵(A_G)也是一个(n×n)的矩阵, 并且满足: 如果(v_i)(v_j)之间有边直接相连, 则(a_{ij} = 1), 否则为(0)
    定义(G)的Laplacian matrix(C_G)(C_G = D_G - A_G), 则Kirchhoff's theorem可以描述为:

(G)的所有不同的生成树的个数等于其Laplacian matrix任何一个(n - 1)阶主子式的行列式的绝对值。

时间复杂度: (Theta(n^3))

题目链接: SPOJ 104 HIGH - Highways

这里只给主函数代码, 其余部分在上面的矩阵类里。

matrix graph;
int T, n, m, u, v;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  scanf("%d", &T);
  while (T--) {
    scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
    graph.assign(n, n);
    for (unsigned long i(1); i <= n; ++i) graph[i][i] = 0;
    while (m--) {
      scanf("%d %d", &u, &v);
      ++graph[u][u], ++graph[v][v];
      graph[u][v] = graph[v][u] = -1.00000000;
", n == 1 ? 1.00000000 : fabs(graph.principal_minor(1).det()));
  return 0;