


int main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);
    // create the map.
    Map* map = new Map();
    // add a TMS imagery layer:
    TMSOptions imagery;
    imagery.url() = "http://readymap.org/readymap/tiles/1.0.0/22/";
    map->addImageLayer( new ImageLayer("ReadyMap imagery", imagery) );
    // create a feature source to load the building footprint shapefile.
    OGRFeatureOptions feature_opt;
    feature_opt.name() = "buildings";
    feature_opt.url() = "../data/boston_buildings_utm19.shp";
    feature_opt.buildSpatialIndex() = true;
    // a style for the building data:
    Style buildingStyle;
    buildingStyle.setName( "default" );
    ExtrusionSymbol* extrusion = buildingStyle.getOrCreate();
    extrusion->heightexpression_r() = Numericexpression_r( "3.5 * max( [story_ht_], 1 )" );
    extrusion->flatten() = true;
    extrusion->wallStyleName() = "building-wall";
    extrusion->roofStyleName() = "building-roof";
    // a style for the wall textures:
    Style wallStyle;
    wallStyle.setName( "building-wall" );
    SkinSymbol* wallSkin = wallStyle.getOrCreate();
    wallSkin->libraryName() = "us_resources";
    wallSkin->addTag( "building" );
    wallSkin->randomSeed() = 1;
    // a style for the rooftop textures:
    Style roofStyle;
    roofStyle.setName( "building-roof" );
    SkinSymbol* roofSkin = roofStyle.getOrCreate();
    roofSkin->libraryName() = "us_resources";
    roofSkin->addTag( "rooftop" );
    roofSkin->randomSeed() = 1;
    roofSkin->isTiled() = true;
    // assemble a stylesheet and add our styles to it:
    StyleSheet* styleSheet = new StyleSheet();
    styleSheet->addStyle( buildingStyle );
    styleSheet->addStyle( wallStyle );
    styleSheet->addStyle( roofStyle );
    // load a resource library that contains the building textures.
    ResourceLibrary* reslib = 
         new ResourceLibrary( "us_resources", "../data/resources/textures_us/catalog.xml" );
    styleSheet->addResourceLibrary( reslib );
    // set up a paging layout for incremental loading.
    FeatureDisplayLayout layout;
    layout.tileSizeFactor() = 45.0;
    layout.addLevel( FeatureLevel(0.0f, 20000.0f) );
    // create a model layer that will render the buildings according to our style sheet.
    FeatureGeomModelOptions fgm_opt;
    fgm_opt.featureOptions() = feature_opt;
    fgm_opt.styles() = styleSheet;
    fgm_opt.layout() = layout;
    map->addModelLayer( new ModelLayer( "buildings", fgm_opt ) );
    // initialize a viewer:
    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);
    EarthManipulator* manip = new EarthManipulator();
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( manip );
    // make the map scene graph:
    osg::Group* root = new osg::Group();
    viewer.setSceneData( root );
    MapNode* mapNode = new MapNode( map );
    root->addChild( mapNode );
    // Process cmdline args
    MapNodeHelper helper;
    helper.configureView( &viewer );
// add some stock OSG handlers:
//view->addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler());
//view->addEventHandler(new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler());
//view->addEventHandler(new osgViewer::ThreadingHandler());
//view->addEventHandler(new osgViewer::LODScaleHandler());
//view->addEventHandler(new osgGA::StateSetManipulator(view->getCamera()->getOrCreateStateSet()));
// osgEarth benefits from pre-compilation of GL objects in the pager. In newer versions of
// OSG, this activates OSG's IncrementalCompileOpeartion in order to avoid frame breaks.
//view->getDatabasePager()->setDoPreCompile( true );
    helper.parse(mapNode, arguments, &viewer, root, new LabelControl("City Demo"));
    // zoom to a good startup position
    manip->setViewpoint( Viewpoint(-71.0763, 42.34425, 0, 24.261, -21.6, 3450.0), 5.0 );
    viewer.getDatabasePager()->setDoPreCompile( true );
    viewer.getCamera()->addCullCallback( new AutoClipPlaneCullCallback(mapNode) );
    return viewer.run();
1、Map* map=new Map();//创建一个地图
   TMSOptions imagery;//图像层
   imagery.url() = "http://readymap.org/readymap/tiles/1.0.0/22/";
   map->addImageLayer(new ImageLayer("....",imagery));//加入该层
   OGRFeatureOptions feature_opt;
   Style buildingStyle;
   ExtrusionSymbol* extrusion=buildingStyle.getOrCreate();
   Style wallStyle;
   SkinSymbol* wallSkin=wallStyle.getOrCreate();
   // a style for the rooftop textures:
    Style roofStyle;
    roofStyle.setName( "building-roof" );
    SkinSymbol* roofSkin = roofStyle.getOrCreate();
    roofSkin->libraryName() = "us_resources";
    roofSkin->addTag( "rooftop" );
    roofSkin->randomSeed() = 1;
    roofSkin->isTiled() = true;//进行分块
     // assemble a stylesheet and add our styles to it:
    StyleSheet* styleSheet = new StyleSheet();
    styleSheet->addStyle( buildingStyle );
    styleSheet->addStyle( wallStyle );
    styleSheet->addStyle( roofStyle );
    ResourceLibrary* resLib=new ResourceLibrary("us_resource","../data/resources/textures_us/catalog.xml");
   FeatureDisplayLayout layout;
   FeatureGeomModelOptions fgm_opt;
   map->addModelLayer(new ModelLayer("building",fgm_opt));
    // make the map scene graph:
    osg::Group* root = new osg::Group();
    viewer.setSceneData( root );
    MapNode* mapNode=new MapNode(map);
    MapNodeHelper helper;
// add some stock OSG handlers:
//view->addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler());
//view->addEventHandler(new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler());
//view->addEventHandler(new osgViewer::ThreadingHandler());
//view->addEventHandler(new osgViewer::LODScaleHandler());
//view->addEventHandler(new osgGA::StateSetManipulator(view->getCamera()->getOrCreateStateSet()));
// osgEarth benefits from pre-compilation of GL objects in the pager. In newer versions of
// OSG, this activates OSG's IncrementalCompileOpeartion in order to avoid frame breaks.
//view->getDatabasePager()->setDoPreCompile( true );
      helper.parse(mapNode, arguments, &viewer, root, new LabelControl("City Demo"));//处理控制台命令,在屏幕左下角加上LabelControl控件
       // zoom to a good startup position
    manip->setViewpoint( Viewpoint(-71.0763, 42.34425, 0, 24.261, -21.6, 3450.0), 5.0 );    //5秒内转到设置的视点
    viewer.getDatabasePager()->setDoPreCompile( true );
    viewer.getCamera()->addCullCallback( new AutoClipPlaneCullCallback(mapNode) );