dojo grid 分页



  1 <!DOCTYPE html>
  2 <html>
  3 <head>
  4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  6 <title>dojo grid 分页</title>
  8 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  9 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">        
 10 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
 11 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
 12 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
 14 <style>
 15     #gridDiv{
 16     width: 60em;
 17     height: 35em;
 18     border: 1px solid #D5CDB5;
 19 }
 20 </style>
 21 <script src=""></script>
 22 <script>
 24 require([
 25         "dojo/parser", 
 26         "dojox/grid/EnhancedGrid", //表格
 27         "dojo/data/ItemFileWriteStore",//数据
 28         "dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/DnD", //拖拽
 29         "dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Pagination",//分页
 30 "dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/nestedSorting",//嵌套排序
 31         "dijit/form/Button","dojo/dom","dojo/on","esri/config","esri/lang","dojo/domReady!"
 32     ],
 33     function () {
 34     //获取数据    
 35     var data = {
 36         identifier : 'id',
 37         items : []
 38     };
 39     var data_list = [{
 40             col1 : "normal",
 41             col2 : false,
 42             col3 : 'But are not followed by two hexadecimal',
 43             col4 : 29.91
 44         }, {
 45             col1 : "important",
 46             col2 : false,
 47             col3 : 'Because a % sign always indicates',
 48             col4 : 9.33
 49         }, {
 50             col1 : "important",
 51             col2 : false,
 52             col3 : 'Signs can be selectively',
 53             col4 : 19.34
 54         }
 55     ];
 56     var rows = 60;
 57     for (var i = 0, l = data_list.length; i < rows; i++) {
 58         data.items.push(dojo.mixin({
 59                 id : i + 1
 60             }, data_list[i % l]));
 61     }
 62     var store = new{
 63             data : data
 64         });
 66     dojo.ready(function () {
 67         /*set up layout*/
 68         var layout = [[{
 69                     name : 'slector',
 70                     field : 'Sel',
 71                     editable : true,
 72                     width : '20px',
 73                     cellStyles : 'text-decoration: none; cursor:default; text-align: center;position: relative; left: -10px',
 74                     headerStyles : 'text-align: center;',
 75                     type : dojox.grid.cells.Bool//选择器
 76                 }, {
 77                     'name' : 'Column 1',
 78                     'field' : 'id'
 79                 }, {
 80                     'name' : 'Column 2',
 81                     'field' : 'col2'
 82                 }, {
 83                     'name' : 'Column 3',
 84                     'field' : 'col3',
 85                     'width' : '230px'
 86                 }, {
 87                     'name' : 'Column 4',
 88                     'field' : 'col4',
 89                     'width' : '230px'
 90                 }
 91             ]];
 92         /*create a new grid:*/
 93         var grid = new dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid({
 94                 id : 'grid',
 95                 store : store,
 96                 structure : layout,
 97                 plugins : {
 98                     nestedSorting:true,//嵌套排序
 99                     dnd : false,//数据拖拽
100                     pagination : {//分页
101                         pageSizes :[ "10", "20", "50","100", "ALL"],//最后一个只是标识,不显示的
102                         //[10, 20, 50, Infinity],//或者换这种写法
103                         //description: true,//描述,第1-20个,共60个。默认是true
104                         //sizeSwitch: true,//分页大小切换,默认是true
105                         maxPageStep : 8,
106                         gotoButton : true,//转至第几页,默认为false
107                         defaultPage : 1,
108                         defaultPageSize : 20,
109                         position: "bottom"//有三种方式,top, bottom, both,默认是bottom
110                     },
111                 },
112                 rowSelector : '20px'
113             },
114                 document.createElement('div'));
115         /*append the new grid to the div*/
116         dojo.byId("gridDiv").appendChild(grid.domNode);
117         /*Call startup() to render the grid*/
118         grid.startup();
119     });
121 });
122 </script>
123 </head>
124 <body class="claro">
125 <div id="gridDiv">
126 </div>
127 </body>
128 </html>


