添加SuperSocket的启动代码到 Windows Azure 的 WorkRole 项目

与其它SuperSocket程序相同,启动代码同样也要写到程序的入口处,如 Windows Azure 的 WorkRole 项目的OnStart() 方法:

public override bool OnStart()


    // Set the maximum number of concurrent connections

    ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 100;

    // For information on handling configuration changes

    // see the MSDN topic at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=166357.

    m_Bootstrap = BootstrapFactory.CreateBootstrap();

    if (!m_Bootstrap.Initialize())


        Trace.WriteLine("Failed to initialize SuperSocket!", "Error");

        return false;


    var result = m_Bootstrap.Start();

    switch (result)


        case (StartResult.None):

            Trace.WriteLine("No server is configured, please check you configuration!");

            return false;

        case (StartResult.Success):

            Trace.WriteLine("The server has been started!");


        case (StartResult.Failed):

            Trace.WriteLine("Failed to start SuperSocket server! Please check error log for more information!");

            return false;

        case (StartResult.PartialSuccess):

            Trace.WriteLine("Some server instances were started successfully, but the others failed to start! Please check error log for more information!");



    return base.OnStart();

