SELECT deptno 部门名称 ,ename 员工姓名, sal 员工工资, SUM(sal) OVER(PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY sal) 所在部门工资总和  FROM emp;  



create table TSALER
  userid NUMBER(10),
  salary NUMBER(10),
  deptid NUMBER(10)

-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column TSALER.userid
  is '员工ID';
comment on column TSALER.salary
  is '工资';
comment on column TSALER.deptid
  is '部门ID';

insert into TSALER (工号, 工资, 部门编号)
values (1, 200, 1);

insert into TSALER (工号, 工资, 部门编号)
values (2, 2000, 1);

insert into TSALER (工号, 工资, 部门编号)
values (3, 200, 1);

insert into TSALER (工号, 工资, 部门编号)
values (4, 1000, 2);

insert into TSALER (工号, 工资, 部门编号)
values (5, 1000, 2);

insert into TSALER (工号, 工资, 部门编号)
values (6, 3000, 2);


select tsaler.* from tsaler 
inner join(select min(salary) as salary,deptid from tsaler group by deptid) c
on tsaler.salary=c.salary and tsaler.deptid=c.deptid 


select * from tsaler 
inner join(select min(salary) as salary,deptid from tsaler group by deptid) c



--row_number() 顺序排序
select row_number() over(partition by deptid order by salary) my_rank ,deptid,USERID,salary from tsaler;
--rank() (跳跃排序,如果有两个第一级别时,接下来是第三级别)
select rank() over(partition by deptid order by salary) my_rank,deptid,USERID,salary from tsaler;
select dense_rank() over(partition by deptid order by salary) my_rank,deptid,USERID,salary from tsaler;
select * from (select rank() over(partition by deptid order by salary) my_rank,deptid,USERID,salary from tsaler) where my_rank=1;
select * from (select dense_rank() over(partition by deptid order by salary) my_rank,deptid,USERID,salary from tsaler) where my_rank=1;

