Visual studio 2005 hangs on startup AppHangXProcB1 svchost devenv.exe svchost.exe:{2a811bb2303b48b882c2e029a22c3ef2}

This problem has been torturing me for the whole afternoon and after searching on the web for a long time, I finally get this problem fixed.

Thanks to this post:

At first my PC was installed with visual studio 2005 Japanese version, but as I cannot read japanese, I have big trouble in debugging and developing. So I decided to install the VS2005 Simplified Chinese version. After spending a long time downloading and uncompressing and installing visual studio professional simplified Chinese version, I found out that my newly installed visual studio are always hanging after I double clicked the VS2005 icon.

And I tried the following operations:

1.install vs2005 sp1 pack, but for my japanese version vs2005, it has no sp1 package installed by it is fine.

2.install another hotfix package "Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update for Windows Vista"(, and after installing this package, vs2005 still fails

3.Then I found this post

4.Thanks a lot to ChiYau(MVP), by trying his method, I succeeded in starting my visual studio 2005 Simplified Chinese version.

5.Just "Start"->"All programs"->"Microsoft Visual Studio 2005"->"Visual Studio Tools"->Right click"Visual Studio Command Prompt" and choose to run as Administrator

6.In the administrator console window, use "devenv /resetsettings" to reset all settings of visual studio.

Analysis: as to my case, the computer environment is very complex and I could not tell clearly which program results in this hanging of visual studio 2005 professional Simplified Chinese version. So I am afraid I have no idea about the cause.

And I copied the original blog content here in order to prevent possible content failure some day

在網上有很多朋友都在說..他們的Visual Studio 升級後出現問題
有很多時候時因為升級時舊的Visual Studio 有些Visual Studio 2010 不支援的Adds-on/Plugin 所以造成的. 或者有時侯 Visual Studio 的設定檔亂了.. 所以出現問題.

當有大至相同的問題出現時.. 可以嘗試做以下的步驟

按 “開始/Start Menu” -> “所有程式集/All Programs” -> “Microsoft Visual Studio 2010” -> “Visual Studio 工具 / Visual Studio Tools
Right Click “Visual Studio 命令行 (2010) / Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)
之後選擇”以管理員身份執行 / Run as Administrator

Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)

devenv /log
#其中 是 Visual Studio 版本。

#還原 Visual Studio 的預設值
devenv /resetsettings

Visual Studio Command resetsettings

#清除所有選項,以略過使用者加入至 VSPackage 的載入作業 (若使用者不希望載入有問題的 VSPackage),然後啟動 Visual Studio。
#若出現 SkipLoading 標記則會停用 VSPackage 的載入作業,而清除該標記則會重新啟用 VSPackage 的載入作業。
Devenv /ResetSkipPkgs

#在安全模式 (Safe Mode) 中啟動 Visual Studio,只載入預設的環境和服務。
#這個參數可在 Visual Studio 啟動時,阻止載入所有協力廠商的 VSPackage,以確保穩定執行。
devenv /SafeMode

Visual Studio Command safemode and ResetSkipPkgs
可以嘗試”重新啟動電腦”..”進入安全模式“, 這樣可以排除是 第三方程式 或 驅動程式的影響 ..之後再執行Visual Studio
或是建立新的電腦用戶試試是不是 User Profile的問題


QueryService for ‘{74946829-37A0-11D2-00C04F8EF4FF}’ failed.’
‘針對”{74946829-37A0-11D2-00C04F8EF4FF}”的QueryService 失敗’”
