C lang:Protect array data——Const


Use pointer translate parameter array original data will change data,and use const protect array data.


#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 5
void show_array(double ar[], int n);
void mult_array(double ar[], int n, double mult);
int main(void)
    double dip[SIZE] = { 20.0, 17.66, 8.2, 15.3, 22.22 };

    printf("The original dip array:
    show_array(dip, SIZE);
    mult_array(dip, SIZE, 2.5);
    printf("The dip array after calling mult_array():
    show_array(dip, SIZE);

    return 0;
// display array anyone value
void show_array(double ar[], int n)
    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < n ; i++)
        printf("%8.3f", ar[i]);
//Multiply each element of the array by the same value
void mult_array(double ar[],int n, double mult)
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ar[i] *= mult;

use void ,so not use return;
