faster alter table add column

  1. Create a new table (using the structure of the current table) with the new column(s) included.
  2. execute a INSERT INTO new_table SELECT (column1,..columnN) FROM current_table;
  3. rename the current table
  4. rename the new table using the name of the current table.

1. CREATE TABLE new_table LIKE table;

2. INSERT INTO new_table SELECT * FROM table;

3&4. RENAME TABLE table = old_table, table = new_table;

The usual trick for loading MyISAM table efficiently is to disable keys, load the data and renalbe the keys:

mysql> ALTER TABLE test.load_data DISABLE KEYS;
-- load data
mysql> ALTER TABLE test.load_data ENABLE KEYS;

dropped all indexes -- then added the field and recreate indexes

