[Machine Learning for Trading] {ud501} Lesson 1: 00-00 Introduction | Lesson 2: 01-01 Reading and plotting stock data



Python  vs  R and  Matlab


You will be using the Python data analysis library pandas extensively.

You will also occasionally need to dabble in NumPySciPy and matplotlib. But don't worry, these libraries work very well together.

Lesson outline

In this lesson you will learn how to read data, select subsets of it and generate useful plots, using pandas and matplotlib. The documentation links below are for your reference.

Hit Next to continue with the lesson.

Note: CSV = Comma-Separated-Values

Keep an eye out for notes and documentation links in this area throughout the course.


 HCP stock data on Yahoo Finance: [summary | table | chart]

Open: first price

Close: final price

Volume: how many shares of the stock traded

Adj Close: close price adjusted by splits, dividend payments, etc. => last day, close = adj close => longer ago, more difference

Python data analysis library: pandas

Documentation: pandas.DataFrame


 pandas is createed by Wes McKinney at a hedge fund called AQR, used at many hedge funds and by many people in the finance industry

Select rows


Compute max closing price 



Plotting stock price data


Plot High prices for IBM 


 Plot two columns


Note: 'Adj Close' stands for 'Adjusted Close' or 'Adjusted Closing Price' which is a historically-adjusted value of the stock that takes into account corporate actions (such as stock splits) and distributions (such as dividends issued).

