

         (1)OpenCV DNN的两大特点




                   cv::dnn::DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT = 0






         由Net:: SetPreferobleBackend设置优先考虑的后端优化库。


                   cv::dnn::DNN_TARGET_CPU = 0










         OpenCV DNN提供的API可分为三类:通用接口、应用模型、网络层。


 1 1.数据读取
 2     (1)readNet(modelPath, [configPath[, framework=torch/onnx/caffe/darknet/tensorflow/dldt]])=net
 3     (2)readNet(framework, modelBuf[, configBuf])=net
 4     (3)readNetFromTorch(modelPath, isBin, eval)=net
 5     (4)readNetFromONNX(modelPath/modelBuf)=net
 6     (5)readNetFromONNX(modelPtr, modelLen)=net
 7     (6)readNetFromCaffe(configPath/configBuf, modelPath/modelBuf)=net
 8     (7)readNetFromCaffe(configPtr, configLen, modelPtr, modePtr)=net
 9     (8)readNetFromDarknet(configPath/configBuf, modelPath/modelBuf)=net
10     (9)readNetFromDarknet(configPtr, configLen, modelPtr, modePtr)=net
11     (10)readNetFromTensorflow(configPath/configBuf, modelPath/modelBuf)=net
12     (11)readNetFromTensorflow(configPtr, configLen, modelPtr, modePtr)=net
13     (12)readNetFromModelOptimizer(configPath/configBuf, modelPath/modelBuf)=net
14     (13)readNetFromModelOptimizer(configPtr, configLen, modelPtr, modePtr)=net
15     (14)readTorchBlob(filePath, isBin)=blob
16     (15)readTensorFromONNX(filePath)=blob
17     (16)writeTextGraph(binModelPath, txtModePath)=void
18     (17)shrinkCaffeModel(srcModelPath, dstModelPath, layersTypes)=void
19 2.数据处理
20     (1)blobFromImage(ima[, blob], scale, size, mean, swapRB, crop, depth)=blob/void
21     (2)blobFromtImages(imas[, blob], scale, size, mean, swapRB, crop, depth)=blobs/void
22     (3)imagesFromBlob(blob, imas)=void
23     (4)getAvailableTargets(bkd)=tars
24     (5)getAvailableBackends()=<bkd,tar>
25     (6)NMSBoxes(bboxes, scores, scoreThr, nmsThr, indices, eta, topK)=void
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 1 1.Net
 2     (1)参数设置
 3         setPreferableTarget(tarId)=void
 4         setPreferableBackend(bkdId)=void
 5         setParam(layerId, nParam, blob)=void
 6         setInput(blob, name, scale, mean)=void
 7         setInputsNames(names)=void
 8         setInputShape(name, shape)=void
 9         setHalideScheduler(scheduler)=void
10         readFromModelOptimizer(…)=net: static and same as the above.
11     (2)参数获取
12         getPerfProfile(times)=int
13         getFLOPS(shape/shapes)=int
14         getFLOPS(id, shape/shapes)=int
15         getMemoryConsumption(shape/shapes, bytesWeight, bytesBlob)=void
16         getMemoryConsumption(shape/shapes, bytesWeights, bytesBlobs)=void
17         getMemoryConsumption(layerId, shape/shapes, bytesWeight, bytesBlob)=void
19         getParam(layerId, nParam)=blob
20         getLayerInputs(layerId)=ptrs
21         getLayerShapes(shape/shapes, id, inShapes, outShapes)=void
22         getLayersShapes(shape/shapes, id, inShapes, outShapes)=void
24         getLayer(layerId)=ptr
25         getLayerId(name)=int
26         getLayerNames()=strs
27         getLayersCount(type)=int
28         getLayerTypes(types)=void
29         getUnconnectedOutLayers()=ints
30         getUnconnectedOutLayersNames()=strs
31     (3)动作执行
32         empty()=bl
33         enableFusion(bl)=void
34         connect(outName, inName)=void
35         connect(outId, outNum, inId, inNum)=void
36         forward([name])=blob
37         forward([name])=asyncArr
38         forward(blobs, name/names)=void
39         addLayer(name, type, layerParams)=int
40         addLayerToPrev(name, type, layerParams)=int
41         dump()=str
42         dumpToFile(path)=void
43 2.Model&ModelExt
44     (1)自身成员
45         model(modelPath, configPath)
46         predict(frame, outs)=void
47         setInputScale(scale)=model
48         setInputSize(size)=model
49         setInputMean(mean)=model
50         setInputSwapRB(bl)=model
51         setInputCrop(bl)=model
52         setInputParams(scale, size, mean, swapRB, crop)=void
53     (2)ClassificationModel成员:classify(frame[, id, conf])=pairs/void
54     (3)DetectionModel成员:detect(frame, ids, confs, bboxes, confThr, nmsThr)=void
55     (4)KeypointsModel成员:estimate(frame, thr)=pts
56     (5)SegmentationModel成员:segment(frame, mask)=void
57 3.Dict&LayerParams&DictValue&BackendNode&BackendWrapper
58     (1)Dict成员
59         begin()/end()=map<str,dictVal>
60         erase(key)=void
61         set(key, val)=val
62         get(key[, defVal])=dictVal/val
63         has(key)=bl
64         ptr(key)=dictVal
65         out<<self
66     (2)LayerParams成员
67         string type
68         string name
69         vector<Mat> blobs
70     (3)DictValue成员
71         dictVal(bl/int/uint/int64/char*/string/double)
72         size()=int
73         get(idx=-1)=val
74         getIntValue(idx=-1)=int
75         getRealValue(idx=-1)=dbl
76         getStringValue(idx=-1)=str
77         isInt()/isReal/isString()=bl
78         out<<selft
79         arrayInt(bgn, size)/arrayReal(bgn, size)/arrayString(bgn, size)=dictVal: static
80     (4)BackendNode成员:backendId
81     (5)BackendWrapper成员:backendId; targetId; copyToHost()=void; setHostDirty()=void
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         (3)DetectionModel:实例化Model功能,将预测具体为分类,核心函数是DetectionModel::detect,其内部就是对分类前处理、Model::predict及分类后处理的封装,当DetectionModel:: detect不能满足实际需求时需要重写之。









                   (1)基于MSCOCO的配置文件: (此为最新链接、确认没修改网络)







  1 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
  2 #include <opencv2/core/utils/filesystem.hpp>
  3 #include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
  4 #include <fstream>
  5 using namespace std;
  6 using namespace cv;
  8 class AboutDNN
  9 {
 10 public:
 11     struct DNNInput
 12     {
 13         //For YoloV3: scale&size=(0.0039216,416,416)   mean=(0,0,0)   swapRB&doCrop=(1,0)
 14         //For YoloV4: scale&size=(0.0039216,608,608)   mean=(0,0,0)   swapRB&doCrop=(1,0)
 15         //For person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-1016: scale&size=(1.0,512,512)   mean=(0,0,0)   swapRB&doCrop=(0,0)
 16         //For vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106: scale&size=(1.0,300,300)   mean=(0,0,0)   swapRB&doCrop=(0,0)
 17         double inScale = 0.0039216;
 18         Size inSize = Size(608, 608);
 19         Scalar inMean = Scalar(0, 0, 0, 0);
 20         bool swapRB = true;
 21         bool doCrop = false;
 22         int dnnBackend = dnn::DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE;
 23         int dnnTarget = dnn::DNN_TARGET_CPU;
 24         char inPath[512] = "./data/imas";
 25         char cfgPath[512] = "./data/yolov4.cfg";
 26         char modelPath[512] = "./data/yolov4.weights";
 27         char classPath[512] = "./data/object_detection_classes_yolov3.txt";
 28         bool write(FileStorage& fs)
 29         {
 30             fs.writeComment("1.TensorParams");
 31             fs << "inScale" << inScale;
 32             fs << "inSize" << inSize;
 33             fs << "inMean" << inMean;
 34             fs << "swapRB" << swapRB;
 35             fs << "doCrop" << doCrop;
 36             fs << "dnnBackend" << dnnBackend;
 37             fs << "dnnTarget" << dnnTarget;
 38             fs.writeComment("2.ModelParams");
 39             fs << "inPath" << inPath; fs.writeComment("directory or video", true);
 40             fs << "cfgPath" << cfgPath;
 41             fs << "modelPath" << modelPath;
 42             fs << "classPath" << classPath;
 43             fs.writeComment("3.DnnBackend");
 44             fs << "DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT" << dnn::DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT;
 45             fs << "DNN_BACKEND_HALIDE" << dnn::DNN_BACKEND_HALIDE;
 47             fs << "DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV" << dnn::DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV;
 48             fs << "DNN_BACKEND_VKCOM" << dnn::DNN_BACKEND_VKCOM;
 49             fs << "DNN_BACKEND_CUDA" << dnn::DNN_BACKEND_CUDA;
 50             fs.writeComment("3.DnnTarget");
 51             fs << "DNN_TARGET_CPU" << dnn::DNN_TARGET_CPU;
 52             fs << "DNN_TARGET_OPENCL" << dnn::DNN_TARGET_OPENCL;
 53             fs << "DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16" << dnn::DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16;
 54             fs << "DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD" << dnn::DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD;
 55             fs << "DNN_TARGET_VULKAN" << dnn::DNN_TARGET_VULKAN;
 56             fs << "DNN_TARGET_FPGA" << dnn::DNN_TARGET_FPGA;
 57             fs << "DNN_TARGET_CUDA" << dnn::DNN_TARGET_CUDA;
 58             fs << "DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16" << dnn::DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16;
 59             return true;
 60         }
 61         bool read(FileStorage& fs)
 62         {
 63             fs["inScale"] >> inScale;
 64             fs["inSize"] >> inSize;
 65             fs["inMean"] >> inMean;
 66             fs["swapRB"] >> swapRB;
 67             fs["doCrop"] >> doCrop;
 68             fs["dnnBackend"] >> dnnBackend;
 69             fs["dnnTarget"] >> dnnTarget;
 70             strcpy(inPath, fs["inPath"].string().c_str());
 71             strcpy(cfgPath, fs["cfgPath"].string().c_str());
 72             strcpy(modelPath, fs["modelPath"].string().c_str());
 73             strcpy(classPath, fs["classPath"].string().c_str());
 74             return true;
 75         }
 76         string print(string savePath = "")
 77         {
 78             string str;
 79             str += fmt::format("inScale: {}
", inScale);
 80             str += fmt::format("inSize: [{},{}]
", inSize.width, inSize.height);
 81             str += fmt::format("inMean: [{},{},{},{}]
", inMean[0], inMean[1], inMean[2], inMean[3]);
 82             str += fmt::format("swapRB: {}
", swapRB);
 83             str += fmt::format("doCrop: {}
", doCrop);
 84             str += fmt::format("dnnBackend: {}
", dnnBackend);
 85             str += fmt::format("dnnTarget: {}
", dnnTarget);
 86             str += fmt::format("inPath: {}
", inPath);
 87             str += fmt::format("cfgPath: {}
", cfgPath);
 88             str += fmt::format("modelPath: {}
", modelPath);
 89             str += fmt::format("classPath: {}
", classPath);
 90             if (savePath.empty() == false) { FILE* out = fopen(savePath.c_str(), "w"); fprintf(out, str.c_str()); fclose(out); }
 91             return str;
 92         }
 93         static DNNInput GetOne(string fsPath, bool doPrint = true)
 94         {
 95             DNNInput dnnIn;
 96             if (utils::fs::exists(fsPath) == false)
 97             {
 98                 utils::fs::createDirectories(utils::fs::getParent(fsPath));
 99                 FileStorage fs(fsPath, FileStorage::WRITE);
100                 dnnIn.write(fs);
101                 fs.release();
102                 //memset(&dnnIn, 0, sizeof(dnnIn));
103                 spdlog::critical("No exist: {}", fsPath);
104                 spdlog::info("Created file: {}", fsPath);
105                 spdlog::info("Modify default values and relauch");
106             }
107             else
108             {
109                 FileStorage fs(fsPath, FileStorage::READ);
110       ;
111                 fs.release();
112             }
113             if (doPrint) spdlog::info(dnnIn.print());
114             return dnnIn;
115         }
116     };
118 public:
119     static void testDetection(int argc, char** argv)
120     {
121         //ILSVRC: ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge from 2012 to 2017
122         //ClassificationSynset(1000): 2010!=2011!==2012==2013==2014==2015==2016==2017
123         //ImageDetectionSynset(200): 2013==2014==2015==2016==2017
124         //VedioDetectionSynset(30): 2015==2016==2017
125         //OIC: Open Images Challenge from 2018 to
127         //1.
128         string dnnInputPath = "./data/dnnInput.yml";
129         DNNInput dnnIn = DNNInput::GetOne(dnnInputPath, true);
130         if (dnnIn.inSize.height == 0) return;
131         vector<string> classLabs(1024);
132         ifstream classFile(dnnIn.classPath);
133         for (int k = 0; std::getline(classFile, classLabs[k]); ++k);
135         //2.
136         dnn::DetectionModel model(dnnIn.modelPath, dnnIn.cfgPath);
137         model.setInputScale(dnnIn.inScale);
138         model.setInputSize(dnnIn.inSize);
139         model.setInputMean(dnnIn.inMean);
140         model.setInputSwapRB(dnnIn.swapRB);
141         model.setInputCrop(dnnIn.doCrop);
142         model.setPreferableBackend(dnnIn.dnnBackend);
143         model.setPreferableTarget(dnnIn.dnnTarget);
145         //3.
146         string winname = __FUNCTION__; cv::namedWindow(winname, 0);
147         int confThr = 40; cv::createTrackbar("confThr", winname, &confThr, 256);
148         int nmsThr = 45; cv::createTrackbar("nmsThr", winname, &nmsThr, 256);
149         auto LamDetectFrame = [&confThr, &nmsThr, &classLabs, &model, winname](Mat frame)->int
150         {
151             vector<int> ids;
152             vector<float> confs;
153             vector<Rect> boxes;
154             model.detect(frame, ids, confs, boxes, confThr * 0.01f, nmsThr * 0.01f);
156             for (int k = 0; k < ids.size(); ++k)
157             {
158                 cv::rectangle(frame, boxes[k].tl(), boxes[k].br(), Scalar(255, 255, 255), 4);
159                 string str = fmt::format("{}({}): {:.3f}", classLabs.empty() ? string("xxxxxx") : classLabs[ids[k]], ids[k], confs[k]);
160                 cv::putText(frame, str, boxes[k].tl() + Point(5, 5), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);
161             }
162             vector<double> ticks;
163             cv::putText(frame, fmt::format("inference timecost: {:.0f}", model.getPerfProfile(ticks) / (getTickFrequency() / 1000)), Point(0, 20), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);
164             cv::imshow(winname, frame);
165             return cv::waitKey(30);
166         };
167         if (utils::fs::isDirectory(dnnIn.inPath))
168         {
169             vector<string> filePaths;
170             utils::fs::glob(dnnIn.inPath, "*", filePaths);
171             if (filePaths.size() > 1) stable_sort(filePaths.begin(), filePaths.end(), less<string>());
172             if (filePaths.size() > 1) stable_sort(filePaths.begin(), filePaths.end(), [](string str1, string str2)->bool {return str1.length() < str2.length(); });
173             for (size_t fileId = 0; ;)
174             {
175                 Mat frame = imread(filePaths[std::llabs(fileId % filePaths.size())]);
176                 char c = LamDetectFrame(frame);
177                 if (c == 'q') break;
178                 else if (c == '1') --fileId;
179                 else if (c == '2') ++fileId;
180             }
181         }
182         else
183         {
184             Mat frame;
185             cv::VideoCapture cap(dnnIn.inPath);
186             while ( if (LamDetectFrame(frame) == 'q') break;
187         } cv::destroyWindow(winname);
188     }
189 };
191 int main(int argc, char** argv) { AboutDNN::testDetection(argc, argv); return 0; }
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