IIOT 论文修改总结

Writing skills



1. 题目当中可以有常见的缩写,但如果一个缩写不常见,最好写完整的。

IOT-常见, IIOT-不常见

2. Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that connects physical sensors, machines and devices that monitor the states of the physical world via the Internet cite{whitmore2015internet}.  


Internet of Things (IoT) describes the connection of physical objects which monitor the states of the physical world via the Internet cite{whitmore2015internet}.

3. IoT technologies are increasingly used in various sectors such as transport, healthcare, retail, logistics, manufacturing, agriculture, buildings and others.


4.  这个contribution感觉总结的还不够好,建议整合成三个,每个说清楚一点。注意,contribution是说哪些是新的,而不是做了什么都要列出来.

1. 量词 a the; 

a technology; a case study; a process; effectiveness and a good performance; 

2. spelling


3. phases

hot water temperature; a heating production plant; 

4. tense

The paper has proposed a lightweight data stream processing framework for industrial IoT applications, including integration of heterogeneous data sources, distributed computing, data analysis and workflow automation. The proposed framework uses a container-based distributed computing system to support flexible deployment, increase application portability and shorten software delivery cycles. This paper has demonstrated the suitability of an online anomaly detection framework, including model training and real-time anomaly detection on a real industrial use case. We have demonstrated the process of the case under study, including DAG data flow, task planning and state monitoring. Finally, this paper has evaluated the proposed anomaly detection method and data stream processing framework, and the results demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness for an industrial application.


1. 流程图模样
