Read From Console Program

To read characters entered by the user, call GetStdHandle to get the console’s standard input handle and call ReadConsole, using the same input handle. The following ReadConsole program demonstrates the technique. Notice that Win32 API calls are compatible with the Irvine32 library, so we are able to call DumpRegs at the same time we call Win32 functions:

TITLE Read From the Console (ReadConsole.asm)
BufSize = 80
buffer BYTE BufSize DUP(?),0,0
stdInHandle HANDLE ?
bytesRead DWORD ?
main PROC
; Get handle to standard input
mov stdInHandle,eax
; Wait for user input
INVOKE ReadConsole, stdInHandle, ADDR buffer,
BufSize, ADDR bytesRead, 0
; Display the buffer
mov esi,OFFSET buffer
mov ecx,bytesRead
mov ebx,TYPE buffer
call DumpMem
main ENDP
END main

If the user enters “abcdefg”, the program generates the following output. Nine bytes are inserted in the buffer: “abcdefg” plus 0Dh and 0Ah, the end-of-line characters(First a Carriage-Return(ASCII CODE:0D), then a new line(ASCII CODE:0A)) inserted when the user pressed the Enter key. bytesRead equals 9:

Dump of offset 00404000


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 0D 0A
