nova hypervisor-list

root@con # nova hypervisor-list | grep 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a
| 1022 | 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a | up    | enabled  |
| 1025 | 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a | up    | enabled  |
| 1028 | 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a | up    | enabled  |
root@con # 
root@con # nova hypervisor-list | grep 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a
| 1022 | 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a | up    | enabled  |
| 1025 | 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a | up    | enabled  |
| 1028 | 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a | up    | enabled  |
root@controller1:/var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data/nova# nova hypervisor-show 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a
ERROR (CommandError): Multiple hypervisor matches found for '1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a', use an ID to be more specific.
root@con # nova hypervisor-show 1022
| Property                | Value                                |
| cpu_info                |                                      |
| current_workload        | 0                                    |
| disk_available_least    | 0                                    |
| free_disk_gb            | 0                                    |
| free_ram_mb             | 0                                    |
| host_ip                 | 10.10.xx.29                          |
| hypervisor_hostname     | 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a |
| hypervisor_type         | ironic                               |
| hypervisor_version      | 1                                    |
| id                      | 1022                                 |
| local_gb                | 0                                    |
| local_gb_used           | 0                                    |
| memory_mb               | 0                                    |
| memory_mb_used          | 0                                    |
| running_vms             | 0                                    |
| service_disabled_reason | None                                 |
| service_host            | controller3-ironic                   |
| service_id              | 419                                  |
| state                   | up                                   |
| status                  | enabled                              |
| vcpus                   | 0                                    |
| vcpus_used              | 0                                    |
root@cont /nova# nova hypervisor-show 1025
| Property                | Value                                |
| cpu_info                |                                      |
| current_workload        | 0                                    |
| disk_available_least    | 0                                    |
| free_disk_gb            | 0                                    |
| free_ram_mb             | 0                                    |
| host_ip                 | 10.10.XX.17                          |
| hypervisor_hostname     | 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a |
| hypervisor_type         | ironic                               |
| hypervisor_version      | 1                                    |
| id                      | 1025                                 |
| local_gb                | 0                                    |
| local_gb_used           | 0                                    |
| memory_mb               | 0                                    |
| memory_mb_used          | 0                                    |
| running_vms             | 0                                    |
| service_disabled_reason | None                                 |
| service_host            | controller2-ironic                   |
| service_id              | 422                                  |
| state                   | up                                   |
| status                  | enabled                              |
| vcpus                   | 0                                    |
| vcpus_used              | 0                                    |
root@con # nova hypervisor-show 1028
| Property                | Value                                |
| cpu_info                |                                      |
| current_workload        | 0                                    |
| disk_available_least    | 0                                    |
| free_disk_gb            | 0                                    |
| free_ram_mb             | 0                                    |
| host_ip                 | 10.10.xx.5                           |
| hypervisor_hostname     | 1dc3a796-e55f-4ea3-ae0f-269e1518df6a |
| hypervisor_type         | ironic                               |
| hypervisor_version      | 1                                    |
| id                      | 1028                                 |
| local_gb                | 0                                    |
| local_gb_used           | 0                                    |
| memory_mb               | 0                                    |
| memory_mb_used          | 0                                    |
| running_vms             | 0                                    |
| service_disabled_reason | None                                 |
| service_host            | controller1-ironic                   |
| service_id              | 413                                  |
| state                   | up                                   |
| status                  | enabled                              |
| vcpus                   | 0                                    |
| vcpus_used              | 0                                    |
root@con # nova hypervisor-show T920compute24
| Property                  | Value         |
| cpu_info_arch             | aarch64       |
| cpu_info_features         | []            |
| cpu_info_model            | None          |
| cpu_info_topology_cells   | 4             |
| cpu_info_topology_cores   | 24            |
| cpu_info_topology_sockets | 1             |
| cpu_info_topology_threads | 1             |
| cpu_info_vendor           | None          |
| current_workload          | 0             |
| disk_available_least      | 222104        |
| free_disk_gb              | 398735        |
| free_ram_mb               | 144772        |
| host_ip                   | 10.10.xx.108  |
| hypervisor_hostname       | Tcompute24 |
| hypervisor_type           | QEMU          |
| hypervisor_version        | 2011001       |
| id                        | 407           |
| local_gb                  | 402375        |
| local_gb_used             | 3640          |
| memory_mb                 | 514948        |
| memory_mb_used            | 370176        |
| running_vms               | 21            |
| service_disabled_reason   | None          |
| service_host              | Tcompute24 |
| service_id                | 473           |
| state                     | up            |
| status                    | enabled       |
| vcpus                     | 96            |
| vcpus_used                | 224           |
root@con # 

 删除ironic node 重建


root@cont # nova hypervisor-list | grep 49e253f3-9bdc-4d41-bb8b-87d422fb2f76
| 1391 | 49e253f3-9bdc-4d41-bb8b-87d422fb2f76 | up    | enabled  |
| 1394 | 49e253f3-9bdc-4d41-bb8b-87d422fb2f76 | up    | enabled  |
| 1397 | 49e253f3-9bdc-4d41-bb8b-87d422fb2f76 | up    | enabled  |
root@con # nova hypervisor-show 1391
| Property                | Value                                |
| cpu_info                |                                      |
| current_workload        | 0                                    |
| disk_available_least    | 0                                    |
| free_disk_gb            | 0                                    |
| free_ram_mb             | 524288                               |
| host_ip                 | 10.10.xx.29                          |
| hypervisor_hostname     | 49e253f3-9bdc-4d41-bb8b-87d422fb2f76 |
| hypervisor_type         | ironic                               |
| hypervisor_version      | 1                                    |
| id                      | 1391                                 |
| local_gb                | 0                                    |
| local_gb_used           | 0                                    |
| memory_mb               | 524288                               |
| memory_mb_used          | 0                                    |
| running_vms             | 0                                    |
| service_disabled_reason | None                                 |
| service_host            | controller3-ironic                   |
| service_id              | 419                                  |
| state                   | up                                   |
| status                  | enabled                              |
| vcpus                   | 64                                   |
| vcpus_used              | 0                                    |
root@con # nova hypervisor-show 1394
| Property                | Value                                |
| cpu_info                |                                      |
| current_workload        | 0                                    |
| disk_available_least    | 0                                    |
| free_disk_gb            | 0                                    |
| free_ram_mb             | 524288                               |
| host_ip                 | 10.10.xx.17                          |
| hypervisor_hostname     | 49e253f3-9bdc-4d41-bb8b-87d422fb2f76 |
| hypervisor_type         | ironic                               |
| hypervisor_version      | 1                                    |
| id                      | 1394                                 |
| local_gb                | 0                                    |
| local_gb_used           | 0                                    |
| memory_mb               | 524288                               |
| memory_mb_used          | 0                                    |
| running_vms             | 0                                    |
| service_disabled_reason | None                                 |
| service_host            | controller2-ironic                   |
| service_id              | 422                                  |
| state                   | up                                   |
| status                  | enabled                              |
| vcpus                   | 64                                   |
| vcpus_used              | 0                                    |
root@con # nova hypervisor-show 1397
| Property                | Value                                |
| cpu_info                |                                      |
| current_workload        | 0                                    |
| disk_available_least    | 0                                    |
| free_disk_gb            | 0                                    |
| free_ram_mb             | 524288                               |
| host_ip                 | 10.10.xx.5                           |
| hypervisor_hostname     | 49e253f3-9bdc-4d41-bb8b-87d422fb2f76 |
| hypervisor_type         | ironic                               |
| hypervisor_version      | 1                                    |
| id                      | 1397                                 |
| local_gb                | 0                                    |
| local_gb_used           | 0                                    |
| memory_mb               | 524288                               |
| memory_mb_used          | 0                                    |
| running_vms             | 0                                    |
| service_disabled_reason | None                                 |
| service_host            | controller1-ironic                   |
| service_id              | 413                                  |
| state                   | up                                   |
| status                  | enabled                              |
| vcpus                   | 64                                   |
| vcpus_used              | 0                                    |
root@con # 