

Sign-up for your Windows Azure account using these steps:

  1. Browse to http://www.microsoft.com/windowsazure/offers
  2. Choose the account offering that's right for you. See the Windows Azure Platform Offer Comparison Table for details.
  3. Click 'Buy' and follow the instructions to create your Windows Azure account.
  4. Browse to http://windows.azure.com.
  5. Sign in with your Windows Live ID.
  6. Select the Project.
  7. Click the '+ New Service' button in the upper right.
  8. Choose 'Storage Account'.
  9. Provide a Service Label and Service Description, click 'Next'.
  10. Provide a unique name for your storage account endpoint and choose a region, click 'Create'.
  11. Copy down the Primary Access key and your Unique Endpoint Name.
  12. For increased streaming performance, click the 'Enable CDN' button.
Upload your Silverlight videos and applications using these steps:
  1. Browse to http://www.cerebrata.com/Products/CloudStorageStudio. This link will redirect to Cerebrata's website where a tool is available for uploading blobs to your Windows Azure Storage account. Note: Cerebrata is not affiliated with Microsoft. Microsoft does not provide or endorse, and is not responsible for, the software referenced in this guide. Microsoft is linking to this software merely as a convenience to you.
  2. After installing Cloud Storage Studio, launch the application.
  3. In the 'Storage Account Name' box, enter your unique name for your storage account. In the example above this would be 'myvideos' (Do not enter the fully qualified domain name 'myvideos.blob.core.windows.net').
  4. Paste the Primary key from the Azure web portal in the 'Storage Account Key' box. Click Connect.
  5. Right click 'Containers' on the tree view to the left. Choose 'New Container'.
  6. Give the container a name such as 'videos'.
  7. In the 'Container Access Policy' tab, make sure the 'Private Container' checkbox is unchecked and click 'Save Container'.
  8. You will now be prompted to upload blobs. Choose 'Yes'.
  9. Browse to the location of your Silverlight video or application. To select more than one file to upload, hold CTRL while selecting multiple files.
  10. The list of files ready for upload is displayed. To begin the upload click the 'Upload' button in the lower right.
  11. Once the upload is complete, close the upload window.
  12. In the tree view, browse to the container you just created and double click it.
  13. Right click one of the blobs you just uploaded and choose 'View Properties'.
  14. In the 'Blob URL' field, you will find the public URL to this blob. Reference this URL in your website, you're done!


