How to build PJSIP with WebRTC

How to build WebRTC?

Refer to WebRTC development guide ​here(

Then configure PJSIP with:

./configure --with-webrtc=/Users/me/webrtc-mac


Refer to WebRTC development guide ​here.

PJSIP's auto configuration will look for the library in out_ios/Release folder, so make sure you set the output dir properly when building !WebRTC

export GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS="output_dir=out_ios"
ninja -C out_ios/Release

Then configure PJSIP with:

./configure --with-webrtc=/Users/me/webrtc-iphone


Android development is only supported on Linux (reference ​here), so if you use other platforms, you need to set up a Linux virtual machine.

Alternatively, you can build the stripped down version of WebRTC instead, which will only build the required AEC module and its required dependencies. These steps below are tested on a Mac machine:

    Create a working directory, for example: webrtc-android.
    Go to the work dir and unzip (provided in the ticket attachment below).
    Go to jni folder and run ndk-build.
    Copy the resulting .so files from ../libs/[target_architecture] into your Android application project directory, for example:

    cp ../libs/armeabi/*.so /Users/me/pjproject/pjsip-apps/src/swig/java/android/libs/armeabi

    Add this in PJSIP's user.mak, located inside PJSIP's work dir:

    export CFLAGS += -I"/Users/me/webrtc-android/src" -DPJMEDIA_HAS_WEBRTC_AEC=1 -DPJMEDIA_WEBRTC_AEC_USE_MOBILE=1
    export LDFLAGS += -L"/Users/me/webrtc-android/libs/armeabi" -lwebrtc

    Rebuild PJSIP.

For other architectures

(or custom WebRTC installation undetected by configure script)

You can customize PJSIP's user.mak file, located inside PJSIP's work dir:

export CFLAGS += -I"/Users/me/webrtc/src" -DPJMEDIA_HAS_WEBRTC_AEC=1
# Uncomment below if you want to use the lighter, mobile-optimized version
export LDFLAGS += -L/Users/me/webrtc/[WebRTC_lib_path] -laudio_processing -lcommon_audio -lsystem_wrappers
# If you build for ARM architecture, uncomment below
# export LDFLAGS += -laudio_processing_neon -lcommon_audio_neon
# Or else, if you build for MIPS architecture, uncomment below
# export LDFLAGS += -laudio_processing_neon -lcommon_audio_neon
# Or else, if your machine supports SSE2, uncomment below
# export LDFLAGS += -laudio_processing_sse2

Then rebuild PJSIP.
Compatibility issue

There is a known compatibility issue with recent WebRTC version, so we'd recommend to use an older WebRTC version, e.g: about October 2015 version.

