May 26. 2018 Week 21st Saturday

Do what you say, say what you do.


Be honest to yourself, and be honest to those people we make our promises to.

Sometimes it would be better if we don't agree to or promise anything that we are not absolutely sure we can deliver.

That seems very simple, but it may actually the hardest thing in our life.

Sometimes we have to yield to the reality for our ability might be not enough to stand up with our promises.

But do not try to make excuses.

If we have gotten ourselves in over our heads, don't make excuses or try to pass the blame off on someone else.

We got ourselvs in too deep, and we need to own this.

Just be honest and let the chips fall where they may.

We might be surprised at how understanding most people are and how tolerable the world might be if we give them the chance to be.

The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.


From Ernest Miller Hemingway.

Trust people first and see if they are worthy of our trust, love people first and we will find whether they deserve that.

Don't fear too much about being deceived, it would be a good way to find out the truth. 

So learn to trust, and let go of our fear and let our guard down.

please see the article below:
