April 27 2017 Week 17 Thursday

Had I not seen the sun, I could have borne the shade.


A poem by Emily Dickinson, and the full text follows:

Had I not seen the sun

I could have borne the shade

But light a newer wilderness

My wilderness had made

Aha, if just reading the first two lines as we have excerpted, we may think it passed on an optimistic spirit, but after we read the whole poem, we found it expressed a strong feeling of pessimism.

When you had experienced the happy times, the glorious times, you may find it is difficult to get out of the dreary and miserable feelings when you are confronted with bitternesses.

Such being the case, I think it is better to just know the first two lines:

If we had not seen the sun, we could have borne the shade.

Now that we had seen the sun, now that we had felt the warmth of the light, we must fight against the shade we currently are shrouded in to regain the light and the sun.

Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.


From Jules Renard, a French writer.

Very funny, but it had better not to be lazy, otherwise we may achieve nothing or accomplish far less than what we could have done.

Lately I go to bed very late and in turn I get up very late, and I feel tired and drowsy during the day.

So my efficiency of work is becoming lower and lower.

I really need to adjust my time to make sure I can be energetic when I am working.

I wish I can afresh my body both physically and mentally and gain power from my daily activities.
