

Write a program that performs an HTTP GET request to a URL provided to
you as the first command-line argument. Write the String contents of
each "data" event from the response to a new line on the console


For this exercise you will need to use the `http` core module.

Documentation on the `http` module can be found by pointing your
browser here:
C:UsersdzhangAppDataRoaming pm ode_moduleslearnyounode ode_apidochttp

The `http.get()` method is a shortcut for simple GET requests, use it
to simplify your solution. The first argument to `http.get()` can be
the URL you want to GET, provide a callback as the second argument.

Unlike other callback functions, this one has the signature:

function (response) { ... }

Where the `response` object is a Node Stream object. You can treat Node
Streams as objects that emit events, the three events that are of most
interest are: "data", "error" and "end". You listen to an event like

stream.on("data", function (data) { ... })

The "data" is emitted when a chunk of data is available and can be
processed. The size of the chunk depends upon the underlying data

The `response` object / Stream that you get from `http.get()` also has
a `setEncoding()` method. If you call this method with "utf8", the
"data" events will emit Strings rather than the standard Node `Buffer`
objects which you have to explicitly convert to Strings.


httpClient.js(nodejs api里面找了找,啊哈哈哈)

var http = require('http');
http.get(process.argv[2], function(res) {
  res.on('data', function (chunk) {