GIS-006-ArcGIS API 空间关系

SPATIAL_REL_CONTAINS Part or all of a feature from feature class 1 is contained within a feature from feature class 2.  要素一局部或全部包含在要素二中(包含、局部包含)
SPATIAL_REL_CROSSES The feature from feature class 1 crosses a feature from feature class 2.  要素一穿过要素二(线线、线面、面面相交)
SPATIAL_REL_ENVELOPEINTERSECTS The envelope of feature class 1 intersects with the envelope of feature class 2.  要素一的外接矩形与要素二的外接矩形相交
SPATIAL_REL_INDEXINTERSECTS The envelope of the query feature class intersects the index entry for the target feature class.  查询图形的外接矩形与目标要素相交
SPATIAL_REL_INTERSECTS Part of a feature from feature class 1 is contained in a feature from feature class 2.  要素一的一部分包含在要素二中(包含、相交)
SPATIAL_REL_OVERLAPS Features from feature class 1 overlap features in feature class 2.  要素一与要素二重叠(重叠关系)
SPATIAL_REL_RELATION Allows specification of any relationship defined using the Shape Comparison Language.  用于特殊的空间关系,即可用于自定义上述几种空间关系的组合
SPATIAL_REL_TOUCHES The feature from feature class 1 touches the border of a feature from feature class 2.  要素一与要素二的边缘相接(相邻)
SPATIAL_REL_WITHIN The feature from feature class 1 is completely enclosed by the feature from feature class 2.  要素一完全在要素二内(包含)