[Ubuntu] use bazaar to control the version in localhost

When working on a project by yourself in localhost, maybe sometime you changed something, and after that, you want to revert it, then you need the version control system (VCS) to help you. It allows you to revert to a previous version if a change breaks something, work with several people and give access to all the successive versions of the application. Of course you can use any VCS to store your project, but here we will use Bazaar as an example. Bazaar is a distributed source version control system.
Here is an example to install the bazaar in Ubuntn.
sudo apt-get install bzr

Go to the blog directory and init the application versioning by typing.

bzr init

Exclude some files or directions you don't want to add to the version, for example

bzr ignore tmp
bzr ignore logs

Then you can commit our first blog engine version:

bzr add
bzr commit 
-"Init version"
Version 1 is committed and you now have a solid foundation for the project.