如何在美国公司写project plan 邮件--以hadoop安装和Mahout数据分析为例子

Hi, XXX (boss name)

  • Project Title:  Hadoop installation and Data analysis based on Mahout
  • Deliverables:
    • Installation notes for Hadoop and Mahout
    • List of useful references
    • List of important Hadoop and Mahout commands and syntax
    • Demo case step-by-step instructions and mindmap of whole process
  • Project duration: 3 days
  • Project tasks:
    • Install Hadoop – Walk through Hadoop installation steps :a. Linux setup on Vbox b. Install useful tools c. install JDK and Hadoop d. Hadoop configurations
    • Install Mahout – Walk through Mahout installation steps:a. download Mahout package b. decompress Mahout and install
    • Hadoop Demo - Walk through Hadoop initiation:a. Start Hadoop cluster with existing 4 machines (one Master and three Slaves) b. check the output on website console
    • Mahout Demo – Walk through Mahout data anaysis with Bayes classifer tool:a. data download (from MIT csail lab) b.  initiate input and test data c. upload the data to HDFS d. run the bayes classifer on Mahout e. get the output and analysis the accuracy of output
  • Project schedule:
    • Tuesday -Wednesday 9AM - Working on Hadoop installation notes
    • Wednesday 1PM - Thursday 9AM - Working on Mahout data analysis
  • Dependencies:
    • Interim project review on Wednesday - 1 hour
    • Final project review on Thursday morning - 1 hour


