LeetCode 561. Array Partition I(easy难度c++)

Given an array of 2n integers, your task is to group these integers into n pairs of integer, say (a1, b1), (a2, b2), …, (an, bn) which makes sum of min(ai, bi) for all i from 1 to n as large as possible.

Example 1: 
Input: [1,4,3,2]

Output: 4 
Explanation: n is 2, and the maximum sum of pairs is 4. 
n is a positive integer, which is in the range of [1, 10000]. 
All the integers in the array will be in the range of [-10000, 10000].


  • 假设对于每一对i,bi >= ai。
  • 定义Sm = min(a1,b1)+ min(a2,b2)+ … + min(an,bn)。最大的Sm是这个问题的答案。由于bi >= ai,Sm = a1 + a2 + … + an。
  • 定义Sa = a1 + b1 + a2 + b2 + … + an + bn。对于给定的输入,Sa是常数。
  • 定义di = | ai - bi |。由于bi >= ai,di = bi-ai, bi = ai+di。
  • 定义Sd = d1 + d2 + … + dn。
  • 所以Sa = a1 + (a1 + d1) + a2 + (a2 + d2) + … + an + (an + di) = 2Sm + Sd , 所以Sm =(Sa-Sd)/ 2。为得到最大Sm,给定Sa为常数,需要使Sd尽可能小。
  • 所以这个问题就是在数组中找到使di(ai和bi之间的距离)的和尽可能小的对。显然,相邻元素的这些距离之和是最小的


 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int arrayPairSum(vector<int>& nums) {
 4         int temp;
 5         for(int i=1;i<nums.size();i++)
 6         {
 7           for(int j=0;j<nums.size()-i;j++)
 8           {
 9               if(nums[j]>nums[j+1])
10               {
11                   temp = nums[j];
12                   nums[j]=nums[j+1];
13                   nums[j+1]=temp;
14               }
15           }
16         }
17         int sum=0;
18         for(int i=0;i<nums.size();i=i+2)
19            sum+=nums[i];
20        return sum;
21     }
22 };
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 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int arrayPairSum(vector<int>& nums) {
 4         int sum = 0;
 5         Qsort(nums, 0, nums.size() - 1);
 6         for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++)
 7             cout << nums[i] << "  ";
 8         cout << endl;
 9         for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i = i + 2)
10             sum += nums[i];
11         return sum;
12     }
13     void Qsort(vector<int> &nums, int low, int high)
14     {
15         if (low < high)
16         {
17             int first = low;
18             int last = high;
19             int key = nums[first];
20             while (first < last)
21             {
22                 while (first<last&&nums[last] >= key)
23                     last--;
24                 nums[first] = nums[last];
25                 while (first<last&&nums[first] <= key)
26                     first++;
27                 nums[last] = nums[first];
28             }
29             nums[first] = key;
30             Qsort(nums, low, first - 1);
31             Qsort(nums, first + 1, high);
32         }
34     }
35 };
Quick Sort

但是最优解应当是使用STL模板中的sort()函数,直接通过所有测试数据,代码简单。时间复杂度O(n*logn),这已经是排序算法中最优的复杂度了,但是在面试过程中是否允许使用STL应当征求面试官的意见。sort()函数的使用参见 http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/sort/?kw=sort


 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int arrayPairSum(vector<int>& nums) {
 4         sort (nums.begin(), nums.end());
 5         int sum=0;
 6         for(int i=0;i<nums.size();i=i+2)
 7            sum+=nums[i];
 8        return sum;
10     }
11 };
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 最后再补充一种在讨论区看见的大神的写法,复杂度直接降低为O(n),叫做“桶排序Bucket sort”,代码如下:

 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int arrayPairSum(vector<int>& nums) {
 4         vector<int> hashtable(20001,0);
 5         for(size_t i=0;i<nums.size();i++)
 6         {
 7             hashtable[nums[i]+10000]++;
 8         }
 9         int ret=0;
10         int flag=0;
11         for(size_t i=0;i<20001;){
12             if((hashtable[i]>0)&&(flag==0)){
13                 ret=ret+i-10000;
14                 flag=1;
15                 hashtable[i]--;
16             }else if((hashtable[i]>0)&&(flag==1)){
17                 hashtable[i]--;
18                 flag=0;
19             }else i++;
20         }
21         return ret;
22     }
23 };
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