
  • 定义:
    • 是类的对象,用来遍历容器的元素,可被视作指向容器元素的指针。
    • 为获取不同容器元素提供了统一接口(Iterators are central to generic programming because they are an interface between containers and algorithms)
  • 类型:
    • container::iterator (read/write iterator)  
    • container::const_iterator (read-only iterator)  
  • 操作:(引自:
    • Assume C is a container class, containing elements of type T.
    • bool b;
      int i;
      T value;
      C::iterator it, it1, it2;
    • ResultOperatorDescription
      Operators for most iterators. Vectors, lists, arrays, ....
      value =  *it; Use dereference (*) op to get/set value.
        ++it; Points to next element. Value after update.
        it++; Points to next element. Value before update.
      it1 =  it2; Assignment
      b =  it1 == it2; Equality comparison.
      b =  it1 != it2; Inequality.
      Additional operators for bidirectional iterators. Vectors, lists, arrays, ...
        --it; Predecrement.
        it--; Postdecrement. May be less efficient than predecrement.
      Additional operators for random-access iterators. Vectors and arrays, but not lists.
      it +=  i; Increments it by i positions.
      it -=  i; Decrements it by i positions.
      it1 =  it2 + i; Increments it by i positions.
      it1 =  it2 - i; Decrements it by i positions.
      value =  it[i]; Returns reference to ith element after it.
      b =  it1 < it2; Comparison.
      b =  it1 <= it2; Comparison.
      b =  it1 > it2; Comparison.
      b =  it1 <= it2; Comparison.

