python pydoc

pydoc是Python自带的模块,主要用于从python模块中自动生成文档,这些文档可以基于文本呈现的、也可以生成WEB 页面的,还可以在服务器上以浏览器的方式呈现!

windows powershell:

> python -m pydoc input
Help on built-in function input in module __builtin__:

    input([prompt]) -> value

    Equivalent to eval(raw_input(prompt)).


$ pydoc input 

pydoc help:

> python -m pydoc input
Help on built-in function input in module __builtin__:

    input([prompt]) -> value

    Equivalent to eval(raw_input(prompt)).


python -m pydoc -p 1234 #比如说: 端口为1234
pydoc server ready at http://localhost:1234/
pydoc server stopped

参数 -k 在所有可用的模块中按关键字搜索

> python -m pydoc -k os
_locale - Support for POSIX locales.
_osx_support - Shared OS X support functions.
binhex - Macintosh binhex compression/decompression.
codeop - Utilities to compile possibly incomplete Python source code.
commands - Execute shell commands via os.popen() and return status, output.
encodings.palmos - Python Character Mapping Codec for PalmOS 3.5.
genericpath - Path operations common to more than one OS
hotshot - High-perfomance logging profiler, mostly written in C.
idlelib.macosxSupport - A number of functions that enhance IDLE on Mac OSX.
lib2to3.fixer_util - Utility functions, node construction macros, etc.
lib2to3.fixes.fix_getcwdu - Fixer that changes os.getcwdu() to os.getcwd().

参数 -g将启动图形界面

> python -m pydoc -g

参数 -w将指定模块的文本字符串生成HTML格式

> python -m pydoc -w input
wrote input.html