
libvirt supports:


 Using Appliance with KVM

You can use this approach if you have a high speed internet connection and an already running KVM virtualization environment

Prerequsites :

    KVM virtualization enabled Server
    Good internet connection to download large virtual appliance image.
    10 GB of hard disk space.
    VT enabled hardware to run HVM image.

Procedure :

    Download the OVA appliance here

    Unpackage the OVA applianceit.

 tar -xvf ConVirt-OSS-2.5.ova

    This will have a .vmdk file. Convert the file to RAW format using qemu-img utility.

qemu-img convert -f vmdk ConVirt-OSS-2.5-disk1.vmdk -O raw  c2_appliance.disk.xm

    Start the appliance using the following command.(Change the path to the location where you created the c2_appliance.disk.xm disk)

 qemu-system-x86_64 -hda "/mnt/storage/vm_disks/c2_appliance.disk.xm" -net "nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:16:3e:20:d4:44" -net "user,vlan=0" -std-vga "" -boot "c" -m "512" -vnc ":25" -name "convirt_appliance" -smp "2" -redir tcp:2222::22 -redir tcp:8888::8081 -daemonize


/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -hda "/mnt/storage/vm_disks/c2_appliance.disk.xm" -net "nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:16:3e:20:d4:44" -net "user,vlan=0"  -boot "c" -m "512" -vnc ":25" -name "convirt_appliance" -smp "2" -redir tcp:2222::22 -redir tcp:8888::8081 -daemonize

    Connect using vncviewer. In the above command port :25 is used.

 vncviewer :25

    Login as cms user with convirt as password. It is recommended to change the password.

    Change the directory to convirt and start CMS

 cd ~/convirt
 ./convirt-ctl start

    Run the ifconfig eth0 command to find the IP assigned to it. For example,

 sudo ifconfig eth0

    Start Firefox browser on other machine on the network and type in the url. http://ip-address:8081, The default credentials are admin/admin
