

with log as (
    select row_number() over(order by log_date) as level,log_date,period_state,base_diff
    from (
    select  fail_date as log_date,'failed' as period_state,50 as base_diff from failed         
    union all
    select success_date as log_date,'succeeded' as period_state,100 as base_diff from Succeeded         
    ) b where log_date>='2019-01-01' and log_date<='2019-12-31'
res as (
        select a.level,a.period_state ,a.log_date 
        ,case when b.log_date is not null or c.log_date is not null then 100 + a.base_diff
              else a.base_diff end as diff
        from log a
        left join  log b on b.level = a.level-1 and b.period_state = a.period_state  
        left join  log c on c.level = a.level+1 and c.period_state = a.period_state  
bx as (
    select *,row_number() over(partition by diff order by level)-level as flag    
    from res
select period_state,min(log_date) as [start_date], max(log_date) as [end_date] 
from bx 
group by diff,flag,period_state 
order by [start_date];


Table: Failed

| Column Name | Type |
| fail_date | date |
该表主键为 fail_date。
Table: Succeeded

| Column Name | Type |
| success_date | date |
该表主键为 success_date。

系统 每天 运行一个任务。每个任务都独立于先前的任务。任务的状态可以是失败或是成功。

编写一个 SQL 查询 2019-01-01 到 2019-12-31 期间任务连续同状态 period_state 的起止日期(start_date 和 end_date)。即如果任务失败了,就是失败状态的起止日期,如果任务成功了,就是成功状态的起止日期。

最后结果按照起始日期 start_date 排序


Failed table:
| fail_date |
| 2018-12-28 |
| 2018-12-29 |
| 2019-01-04 |
| 2019-01-05 |

Succeeded table:
| success_date |
| 2018-12-30 |
| 2018-12-31 |
| 2019-01-01 |
| 2019-01-02 |
| 2019-01-03 |
| 2019-01-06 |

Result table:
| period_state | start date | end date |
| present | 2019-01-01 | 2019-01-03 |
| missing | 2019-01-04 | 2019-01-05 |
| present | 2019-01-06 | 2019-01-06 |

结果忽略了 2018 年的记录,因为我们只关心从 2019-01-01 到 2019-12-31 的记录
从 2019-01-01 到 2019-01-03 所有任务成功,系统状态为 "succeeded"。
从 2019-01-04 到 2019-01-05 所有任务失败,系统状态为 "failed"。
从 2019-01-06 到 2019-01-06 所有任务成功,系统状态为 "succeeded"。

