[LeetCode] First Missing Positive 解题报告

Given an unsorted integer array, find the first missing positive integer.
For example,
Given [1,2,0] return 3,
and [3,4,-1,1] return 2.
Your algorithm should run in O(n) time and uses constant space.
» Solve this problem

其实就是桶排序,只不过不许用额外空间。所以,每次当A[i]!= i的时候,将A[i]与A[A[i]]交换,直到无法交换位置。终止条件是 A[i]== A[A[i]]。
然后i -> 0 到n走一遍就好了。


1:   int firstMissingPositive(int A[], int n) {  
2: // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
3: // DO NOT write int main() function
4: int i =0;
5: for(int i =0; i< n; i++)
6: {
7: while(A[i] != i+1)
8: {
9: if(A[i] <= 0 || A[i] >n || A[i] == A[A[i] -1]) break;
10: int temp = A[i];
11: A[i] = A[temp-1];
12: A[temp-1] = temp;
13: }
14: }
15: for(int i =0; i< n; i++)
16: if(A[i]!=i+1)
17: return i+1;
18: return n+1;
19: }

题目说清楚了,很简单,但是实现起来还是有些细节比较烦人。首先,不能按照A[i] = i来存,因为题目要求寻找正数,如果A[0]用来存储0的话,会影响数据处理。比如当A = {1}的时候,如果A[0] = 0的话,根本没地方存1的值了。所以正确的存储方式应该是A[i]= i+1.
但是由此带来的是,Line 7, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17都需要更改,以反映出这种映射。
