
Longest Valid Parentheses
Maximal Rectangle
Permutation Sequence
sudoku solver

3Sum ClosestJan 18 '12
3SumJan 18 '12
4SumJan 27 '12
Add BinaryApr 2 '12
Add Two NumbersNov 1 '11
AnagramsMar 19 '12
Balanced Binary TreeOct 9 '12
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IIINov 7 '12
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IIOct 31 '12
Best Time to Buy and Sell StockOct 30 '12
Binary Tree Inorder TraversalAug 27 '12
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal IIOct 1 '12
Binary Tree Level Order TraversalSep 29 '12
Binary Tree Maximum Path SumNov 8 '12
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order TraversalSep 29 '12
Climbing StairsApr 3 '12
Combination Sum IIMar 7 '12
Combination SumMar 7 '12
CombinationsApr 18 '12
Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder TraversalSep 30 '12
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder TraversalSep 30 '12
Container With Most WaterJan 9 '12
Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search TreeOct 2 '12
Convert Sorted List to Binary Search TreeOct 3 '12
Count and SayMar 6 '12
Decode WaysJun 25 '12
Distinct SubsequencesOct 19 '12
Divide Two IntegersFeb 18 '12
Edit DistanceApr 4 '12
First Missing PositiveMar 8 '12
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked ListOct 14 '12
Generate ParenthesesFeb 13 '12
Gray CodeMay 20 '12
Implement strStr()Feb 18 '12
Insert IntervalMar 27 '12
Integer to RomanJan 15 '12
Interleaving StringAug 31 '12
Jump Game IIMar 17 '12
Jump GameMar 25 '12
Largest Rectangle in HistogramApr 23 '12
Length of Last WordMar 27 '12
Letter Combinations of a Phone NumberJan 27 '12
Longest Common PrefixJan 17 '12
Longest Palindromic SubstringNov 11 '11
Longest Substring Without Repeating CharactersMay 16 '11
Longest Valid ParenthesesMar 1 '12
Maximal RectangleApr 24 '12
Maximum Depth of Binary TreeSep 30 '12
Maximum SubarrayMar 21 '12
Median of Two Sorted ArraysMar 28 '11
Merge IntervalsMar 27 '12
Merge k Sorted ListsFeb 14 '12
Merge Sorted ArrayMay 20 '12
Merge Two Sorted ListsMar 30 '12
Minimum Depth of Binary TreeOct 10 '12
Minimum Path SumMar 29 '12
Minimum Window SubstringApr 15 '12
Multiply StringsMar 12 '12
Next PermutationFeb 25 '12
N-Queens IIMar 20 '12
N-QueensMar 20 '12
Palindrome NumberJan 4 '12
Partition ListApr 30 '12
Pascal's Triangle IIOct 29 '12
Pascal's TriangleOct 28 '12
Path Sum IIOct 14 '12
Path SumOct 14 '12
Permutation SequenceMar 28 '12
Permutations IIMar 17 '12
PermutationsMar 17 '12
Plus OneApr 2 '12
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node IIOct 28 '12
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each NodeOct 28 '12
Pow(x, n)Mar 20 '12
Recover Binary Search TreeSep 1 '12
Regular Expression MatchingJan 8 '12
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array IIApr 19 '12
Remove Duplicates from Sorted ArrayFeb 16 '12
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List IIApr 22 '12
Remove Duplicates from Sorted ListApr 22 '12
Remove ElementFeb 16 '12
Remove Nth Node From End of ListJan 28 '12
Restore IP AddressesAug 8 '12
Reverse IntegerDec 26 '11
Reverse Linked List IIJun 27 '12
Reverse Nodes in k-GroupFeb 16 '12
Roman to IntegerJan 15 '12
Rotate ImageMar 18 '12
Rotate ListMar 28 '12
Same TreeSep 3 '12
Scramble StringApr 30 '12
Search a 2D MatrixApr 7 '12
Search for a RangeMar 3 '12
Search in Rotated Sorted Array IIApr 20 '12
Search in Rotated Sorted ArrayMar 3 '12
Search Insert PositionMar 3 '12
Set Matrix ZeroesApr 6 '12
Simplify PathApr 4 '12
Sort ColorsApr 9 '12
Spiral Matrix IIMar 28 '12
Spiral MatrixMar 25 '12
Sqrt(x)Apr 3 '12
String to Integer (atoi)Dec 27 '11
Subsets IIJun 25 '12
SubsetsApr 18 '12
Substring with Concatenation of All WordsFeb 24 '12
Sudoku SolverMar 4 '12
Swap Nodes in PairsFeb 15 '12
Symmetric TreeSep 24 '12
Text JustificationApr 3 '12
Trapping Rain WaterMar 10 '12
TriangleOct 30 '12
Two Sum
Unique Binary Search Trees IIAug 27 '12
Unique Binary Search TreesAug 27 '12
Unique Paths IIMar 29 '12
Unique PathsMar 28 '12
Valid NumberApr 2 '12
Valid PalindromeJan 13
Valid ParenthesesJan 30 '12
Valid SudokuMar 3 '12
Validate Binary Search TreeAug 31 '12
Wildcard MatchingMar 16 '12
Word SearchApr 18 '12
ZigZag ConversionDec 6 '11
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