ftrace 进程cmd 跟踪脚本



## shell pid

[ `id -u` -ne 0 ] && { echo "needs to be root" ; exit 1; } 

[ -z $1 ] && { echo "needs process name as argument" ; exit 1; } 

mount | grep -i debugfs &> /dev/null
[ $? -ne 0 ] && { echo "debugfs not mounted, mount it first"; exit 1; } 

# clear existing trace data
echo nop > $DPATH/current_tracer

# set function_graph tracer
echo function_graph > $DPATH/current_tracer

# write current process id to set_ftrace_pid file next will trace 
echo $PID > $DPATH/set_ftrace_pid

# start the tracing
echo 1 > $DPATH/tracing_on

# execute the process
# $* all parameter list
exec $*

# stop the tracing
echo 0 > tracing_on

 上述为ftrace 某一个process的基本脚本 
./   ifconfig eth20  down   
就可以看到 ifconfig eth20 down 时  内核运行函数 调用 


http代理服务器(3-4-7层代理)-网络事件库公共组件、内核kernel驱动 摄像头驱动 tcpip网络协议栈、netfilter、bridge 好像看过!!!! 但行好事 莫问前程 --身高体重180的胖子