
 1 import textwrap
 2 doc='''Beautiful is better than ugly.
 3 Explicit is better than implicit.
 4 Simple is better than complex.
 5 complex is better than complicated.
 6 Flat is better than dense.
 7 Readability counts.
 8 Special cases arren't special enough to break the rules.
 9 Although Praticality beats purity.'''
10 print(textwrap.fill(doc,20))    #按指定宽度进行排版
11 # Beautiful is better
12 # than ugly. Explicit
13 # is better than
14 # implicit. Simple is
15 # better than complex.
16 # complex is better
17 # than complicated.
18 # Flat is better than
19 # dense. Readability
20 # counts. Special
21 # cases arren't
22 # special enough to
23 # break the rules.
24 # Although Praticality
25 # beats purity.
27 print(textwrap.fill(doc,width=80))  #按指定宽度进行排版
28 # Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is
29 # better than complex. complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than
30 # dense. Readability counts. Special cases arren't special enough to break the
31 # rules. Although Praticality beats purity.
33 print(textwrap.wrap(doc))   #默认长度最大为70
34 # ['Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit.', 'Simple is better than complex. complex is better than complicated.', "Flat is better than dense. Readability counts. Special cases arren't", 'special enough to break the rules. Although Praticality beats purity.']