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抽象的状态机语言。由微软研究中心的FSE 团队开发。


What is AsmL?

AsmL is the Abstract State Machine Language. The language was developed by the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) group at Microsoft Research. It is an executable specification language based on the theory of Abstract State Machines. This CodePlex project comprises an AsmL compiler that targets .NET code. The compiler was originally developed by the FSE group as well. In addition to the compiler itself, there is an add-in for Microsoft Word that facilitates literate programming.

What is AsmL good for?

AsmL is useful in any situation where you need a precise, non-ambiguous way to specify a computer system, either software or hardware. AsmL specifications are an ideal way for teams to communicate design decisions. Program managers, developers, and testers can all use an AsmL specification to achieve a single, unified understanding.
One of the greatest benefits of an AsmL specification is that you can execute it. That means it is useful before you commit yourself to coding the entire system. By exploring your design, you can answer the following questions: Does it do everything you intended it to? How do the features interact? Are there any unintended behaviors?


Project Description
A .NET 3.5 library of Google Api's.

Current Api's included

  • Ajax Search Api
    • Title (Syntax highlighted or not)
    • Content
    • Url (Escaped, Unescaped, visible (ie. http:// stripped off)
    • Cache Url
    • Estimated record count
    • maximum records to return (with a ceiling of 32 results being the absolute maximum, as decreed by the Google Api).

Quirks about the Google Search Api

  • A maximum of 32 results can be retrieved.
  • The Api call to Google requires a referer site. This value needs to be the website domain name which is accessing the Google Seach Api. I'm not sure why this is required ... it just is. (So that's out of my control). I suppose you can put garbage in there, if you really want to.

Sample C# Code

using System;
using WorldDomination.GoogleApi;
// Retrieve all the star wars results.
Search search = Search.GetSearchResults("star wars", "");
if (search != null && 
    search.ResponseData != null &&
    search.ResponseData.Result.Length > 0)
    string title = search.ResponseData.Result[0].Title;  // eg. Star Wars.
    string content = search.ResponseData.Result[0].Content;  // eg. This movie was great blah blah blah ...
// Retrieve only 10 results.
Search search2 = Search.GetSearchResults("Kilrathi", "", 10);