


File install matlab 2012b for unix 64 bit:

File crack matlab 2012b for linux 64 bit:  (这个失效了,用下面的dat文件代替)

First, open your folder contains file r2012_unix.iso. Open terminal, enter the command:

	sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop,noauto r2012b_unix.iso /mnt
	cd /mnt
	sudo ./install

Install matlab by GUI, check install without internet, use this key:

  • 54433-42422-42196-01350-12755-09842

Choose custom, change the directory become:

  • home/your_user_name/matlab

Next, active software with file matlab2012b_std.dat. If you can’t active your software, you don’t worry, be continue. After installed matlab, open terminal and enter the command:

	cd /home/your_user_name/matlab/bin
	sudo ./matlab

Active software with file matlab2012b_std.dat. This is my result. :D

Matlab result

license activate:

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jHLUEyU 密码: iv3m

