C#开发COM组件 翻译国外文章


如果大家需要的话 我准备翻译为中文,看大家的反馈情况。如果不需要就仅供我参考啦。

The topics covered in this article are:

  • Creating a simple COM object in C# (use the COM Interop property).
  • Accessing the COM from a VC++ client. (I have tested it with VC++6.0 and VC++ .NET). Client uses the TypeLibrary (.TLB file).

For the sake of simplicity and ease of use for the developers, testing this code, I have used the Northwind database built into with the default installation of SQL Server database.

  • Modify the name of the SQL Server in the COM object to connect to your SQL Server.
  • Also, I have created a default user ID and password of scott / tiger to connect to the database. Either create this, or use an existing ID / password.