
[root@cheeron lesson1]# cat user.txt
1 cheeron python 4099822
2 forilen shell 12309865
3 XueLi JS 4321780
4 LiLei IT 48393022
5 Simith IT 2340987
6 Liudehua Python 1234567
7 cheeron python 4099822
8 forilen shell 12309865
9 XueLi JS 4321780
10 LiLei IT 48393022
11 Simith IT 2340987
12 Liudehua Python 1234567

#!/usr/bin/env python

staff_list = 'user.txt'

f = open(staff_list)

c = f.readlines()

while True:

  user_input = raw_input('33[32;1mPls input sth to search:33[0m ').strip()

  if len(user_input) == 0: continue

  for line in c:

    if user_input in line:

      print line



    print '33[31;1mnot a vaild input!33[0m' 


1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 staff_list = 'user.txt' 3 f = open(staff_list) 4 c = f.readlines() 5 while True: 6 user_input = raw_input('33[32;1mpls input sth to search:33[0m ').strip() 7 if len(user_input) == 0:continue 8 key=0 9 for line in c: 10 if user_input in line: 11 print line 12 key=1 13 if key == 0: 14 print '33[31;1mnot a vaild key word!33[0m'


pls input sth to search: LiLei
4 LiLei         IT                      48393022

10 LiLei                IT                      48393022

pls input sth to search: 