

 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 //s为初态,z为终态
 3 int in(int s,int z)
 4 {
 5     if(s == z)
 6     {
 7         printf("3\nlook!the last status belongs to Z");
 8         return 1;
 9     }
10     else
11     {
12         return 0;
13     }
14 }
15 //s为状态,t为输入的字符
16 int step(int s,char t)
17 {
18     if(t == 'a')
19         switch(s)
20         {
21             case 0:return 1;
22             case 1:return 3;
23             case 2:return 1;
24             case 3:return 3;
25         }
26     else if(t == 'b')
27         switch(s)
28         {
29             case 0:return 2;
30             case 1:return 2;
31             case 2:return 3;
32             case 3:return 3;
33         }
34 }
36 int realize(char *input)
37 {
38     int z = 3;
39     int s,i;
40     s = 0;
41     for(i=0;input[i]!='\n';i++)
42     {
43         printf("%2d",s);
44         s = step(s,input[i]);
45     }
46         if(in(s,z))
47         {
48             return 1;
49         }
50         else
51         {
52             return 0;
53         }
54 }
56 main()
57 {
58     int i;
59     int a;
60     char input[40];
61     printf("FA=({0,1,2,3},{a,b},M,0,{3})\n");
62     printf("M:\n");
63     printf("    M(0,a)=1    M(0,b)=2\n");
64     printf("    M(1,a)=3    M(1,b)=2\n");
65     printf("    M(2,a)=1    M(2,b)=3\n");
66     printf("    M(3,a)=3    M(3,b)=3\n");
67     printf("请输入你要检查的串");
69 lop:    for(i=0;input[i-1] != '\n';i++)
70         {
71             scanf("%c",&input[i]);
72         }
73         for(i=0;input[i-1]!='\n';i++)
74         {
75             if(input[i] != 'a'&&input[i] != 'b'&&input[i] != '\n')
76             {
77                 printf("input error,enter again please:\n");
78                 goto lop;
79             }
81         }
82         printf("the status sequence is :\n");
83         a = realize(input);
84         if(a == 1)
85             printf("\nSo this string can be identified\n");
86         else
87             printf("\nSo this string can't be identified\n");
88         printf("press enter to exit the program\n");
89         getchar();
91 }