


RESTAURANT: New Way Restaurant. How can I help you?MAN: Yes, I'd like to make a reservation , please.
RESTAURANT: Certainly. For what day?
MAN: Saturday evening.
RESTAURANT: OK. Saturday the 14th. For how many people?
MAN: Um, four, maybe five.
RESTAURANT: OK, and what time were you thinking of?
MAN: Seven-thirty or 8?
RESTAURANT: How about 8?
MAN: Eight o'clock is perfect .
RESTAURANT: Great. What's the name, please?
MAN: Bob Markson.
RESTAURANT: OK, Mr. Markson. I've got a reservation for four or five people on Saturday the 14th at 8 p.m.

                              Oh, yes – one other thing: Would you like to sit inside or outside?
MAN: Inside, I think. And do you have parking ?
RESTAURANT: No, I'm sorry. But you can usually park on the street with no problem.
MAN: OK, thanks. See you Saturday.
