python: 从函数了解到装饰器

1 简单了解函数


1.1 函数是什么

A function is a piece of code in a program. The function performs a specific task.



1.2 函数的好处

  • Reducing duplication of code
  • Decomposing complex problems into simpler pieces
  • Improving clarity of the code
  • Reuse of code
  • Information hiding

1.3 函数和过程的区别


1.3.1 python的函数和过程


1.3.2 common lisp中的函数(简述)


; 这个定义引用的是冰河伞哥的定义
(defun funname (parameter*)


1.4 函数定义


def function():


  • 定义部分默认大家都会,这里不讨论参数,以及函数的引用等内容.
  • def在函数定义中不是必须的,比如lambda表达式。在另外一片文章迭代器中会详细讲述lambda。

1.5 function的赋值和执行

def x():

# p 为x()函数执行的值
p = x()
# 将函数x赋值给p
p = x
# 执行函数x()

2 function 和 object


2.1 function是一个object

在python中万物皆对象,function也不例外,一定要记住这句话。 因此函数可以像其他的object一样被使用,再次声明一下,function在python中是一等公民。

def shout(word="yes"):
    return word.capitalize()+"!"

print shout()
# outputs : 'Yes!'

# 作为一个object,你可以将函数想其他object一样赋值给一个变量
scream = shout

# 注意: 我们不使用继承(parentheses,我们不执行这个函数,仅仅是将函数"shot"赋值给变量”scream“。
# 也就是说你可以从scream执行shout()

print scream()
# outputs : 'Yes!'

# 不止如此,虽然删除老的名称shout,但是通过变量scream依然可以调用shout。这是因为函数shout的
# 引用计数不为0,所以依然没有在解释器中删除。

del shout
    print shout()
except NameError, e:
    print e
    #outputs: "name 'shout' is not defined"

print scream()
# outputs: 'Yes!'

2.2 函数可以被定义到一个函数里

def talk():

    # 定义函数whisper
    def whisper(word="yes"):
        return word.lower()+"..."

    # 调用whisper函数

    print whisper()

# 每次你执行 "talk"的时候, "whisper"每次都会被定义.然后被talk执行.
# outputs: 
# "yes..."

# 但是 "whisper" 在"talk"之外不存在
    print whisper()
except NameError, e:
    print e
    #outputs : "name 'whisper' is not defined"*
    Python's functions are objects

从上面的两个例子可以知道,functions 是objects 因为函数:

  • 能赋值给一个变量
  • 能定义在其他的函数中间。

2.3 函数可以返回一个函数

def getTalk(kind="shout"):

    def shout(word="yes"):
        return word.capitalize()+"!"

    def whisper(word="yes") :
        return word.lower()+"...";

    # 返回其中任意一个
    if kind == "shout":
        # 我们不使用"()",所以不执行函数.仅仅返回 函数对象
        return shout  
        return whisper

# 得到这个函数,赋值给一个变量
talk = getTalk()      

# 打印的话 你会发现返回的是一个fuction object 

print talk
#outputs : <function shout at 0xb7ea817c>

# The object is the one returned by the function:
print talk()
#outputs : Yes!

# And you can even use it directly if you feel wild:
print getTalk("whisper")()
#outputs : yes...

2.4 函数作为一个参数

def doSomethingBefore(func): 
    print "I do something before then I call the function you gave me"
    print func()

#I do something before then I call the function you gave me


3 function 和 method


4 function 和 decorator

上面的部分 <function 和 object> ,是装饰器的基础.当然默认你已经可以理解闭包,作用域等,不懂其实下面的代码也能看懂.那么我们就开始下面的内容了.


4.1 自制一个装饰器

# 装饰器是一个用其他函数作为参数的函数
def my_shiny_new_decorator(a_function_to_decorate):

    # 在函数内部定义一个wrapper,用来包裹被装饰的函数.因为它可以在被装饰函数的前后执行
    def the_wrapper_around_the_original_function():

        # 在这里放上被装饰函数调用前的代码
        print "Before the function runs"

        # 调用被装饰函数

        # 在被装饰函数执行之后执行
        print "After the function runs"

    # 前面的代码,根本没有执行被装饰的函数,因为前面仅仅是对于"wrapper"进行了定义
    return the_wrapper_around_the_original_function

# 定义一个你以后不会更改的函数
def a_stand_alone_function():
    print "I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me"

#outputs: I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me

# Well, 你可以装饰这个函数来扩展它的作用. 通过传递它给装饰器, 装饰器将会动态的添加代码并且返回一个你想使用的函数.

a_stand_alone_function_decorated = my_shiny_new_decorator(a_stand_alone_function)
#Before the function runs
#I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me
#After the function runs

如果你想每一次你调用 a_stand_alone_function, a_stand_alone_function_decorated 也被调用. 这也非常简单,只要将 a_stand_alone_function 用 my_shiny_new_decorator 进行重写就可以了

a_stand_alone_function = my_shiny_new_decorator(a_stand_alone_function)
#Before the function runs
#I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me
#After the function runs

# And guess what? That’s EXACTLY what decorators do!

4.2 解开Decorators的神秘面纱

紧接上面的例子,我们可以使用更加简介的decorator格式 :

def another_stand_alone_function():
    print "Leave me alone"

#Before the function runs
#Leave me alone
#After the function runs

是不是很简单,@decorator 是其实就是下面的简写:

another_stand_alone_function = my_shiny_new_decorator(another_stand_alone_function)

Decorators 是 decorator design pattern 的一种很 pyhonic的写法.在python中有很多经典的设计来简化程序开发(例如:迭代器)


def bread(func):
    def wrapper():
        print "</''''''>"
        print "<\______/>"
    return wrapper

def ingredients(func):
    def wrapper():
        print "#tomatoes#"
        print "~salad~"
    return wrapper

def sandwich(food="--ham--"):
    print food

#outputs: --ham--
sandwich = bread(ingredients(sandwich))
# #tomatoes#
# --ham--
# ~salad~

换做使用python的decorator 语法

def sandwich(food="--ham--"):
    print food

# #tomatoes#
# --ham--
# ~salad~

在使用迭代器的时候,你设置的装饰器的顺序也是非常的 重要:

def strange_sandwich(food="--ham--"):
    print food

# --ham--
# ~salad~

5 装饰器进阶

传递参数到被装饰的函数(decorated function)

# 下面的这个可不是黑科技,<surface book才是> ,它只是让 wrapper 传递了函数的参数

def a_decorator_passing_arguments(function_to_decorate):
    def a_wrapper_accepting_arguments(arg1, arg2):
        print "I got args! Look:", arg1, arg2
        function_to_decorate(arg1, arg2)
    return a_wrapper_accepting_arguments

# 当你调用被装饰的函数,实质是你当你调用wrapper时,wrapper可以传递它的参数给被调用的函数.
def print_full_name(first_name, last_name):
    print "My name is", first_name, last_name

print_full_name("Peter", "Venkman")
# outputs:
#I got args! Look: Peter Venkman
#My name is Peter Venkman

5.1 装饰方法

python中一个很有趣的是事情:方法(methods) 和 function 是相同的. 唯一不同的是方法(methods)期望他们的第一个参数是当前对象自身(self)


def method_friendly_decorator(method_to_decorate):
    def wrapper(self, lie):
        lie = lie - 3 # very friendly, decrease age even more :-)
        return method_to_decorate(self, lie)
    return wrapper

class Lucy(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.age = 32

    def sayYourAge(self, lie):
        print "I am %s, what did you think?" % (self.age + lie)

l = Lucy()
#outputs: I am 26, what did you think?

如果你想制作一个常规目的的decorator,一个你想应用到任意的function或者方法(methods),不用关心参数. 那么使用 *args, **kwargs:

def a_decorator_passing_arbitrary_arguments(function_to_decorate):
    # The wrapper accepts any arguments
    def a_wrapper_accepting_arbitrary_arguments(*args, **kwargs):
        print "Do I have args?:"
        print args
        print kwargs
        # Then you unpack the arguments, here *args, **kwargs
        # If you are not familiar with unpacking, check:
        function_to_decorate(*args, **kwargs)
    return a_wrapper_accepting_arbitrary_arguments

def function_with_no_argument():
    print "Python is cool, no argument here."

#Do I have args?:
#Python is cool, no argument here.

def function_with_arguments(a, b, c):
    print a, b, c

#Do I have args?:
#(1, 2, 3)
#1 2 3 

def function_with_named_arguments(a, b, c, platypus="Why not ?"):
    print "Do %s, %s and %s like platypus? %s" %
    (a, b, c, platypus)

function_with_named_arguments("Bill", "Linus", "Steve", platypus="Indeed!")
#Do I have args ? :
#('Bill', 'Linus', 'Steve')
#{'platypus': 'Indeed!'}
#Do Bill, Linus and Steve like platypus? Indeed!

class Mary(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.age = 31

    def sayYourAge(self, lie=-3): # You can now add a default value
        print "I am %s, what did you think ?" % (self.age + lie)

m = Mary()
# Do I have args?:
#(<__main__.Mary object at 0xb7d303ac>,)
#I am 28, what did you think?

5.2 传递参数到decorator


这也许有点饶.自从一个装饰器必须接受一个函数作为一个参数.因此,你 不能 直接传递 被装饰函数 的参数给 decorator


# 装饰器是一个普通函数
# 下面写的这个是返回的"wrapper" 这个function object, 骚年看清楚,看清楚,看清楚....
def my_decorator(func):
    print "I am an ordinary function"
    def wrapper():
        print "I am function returned by the decorator"
    return wrapper

# Therefore, you can call it without any "@"
# 因此,不使用@ 你可以调用它

def lazy_function():
    print "zzzzzzzz"

decorated_function = my_decorator(lazy_function)
#outputs: I am an ordinary function

print decorated_funtion
#outputs:<function wrapper at 0x7f75097b9758>

# 它打印 "I am an ordinary function", 
# 虽然调用了my_decorator() ,但是返回的是 fucntion object"wrapper"

def lazy_function():
    print "zzzzzzzz"

#outputs: I am an ordinary function

上面的例子就好像 "my_decorator" 被调用了,所以当你使用 @my_decorator 这个装饰器. 你是告诉python调用带有@my_decorator标志的函数. This is important! The label you give can point directly to the decorator—or not. 这是非常重要的. 你给的这个标志是直接指向这个 decorator 或者没有.(翻译的真烂,自己看上面的英文吧)

Let’s get evil. (吾心本恶….)

def decorator_maker():

    print "I make decorators! I am executed only once: "+
          "when you make me create a decorator."

    def my_decorator(func):

        print "I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function."

        def wrapped():
            print ("I am the wrapper around the decorated function. "
                  "I am called when you call the decorated function. "
                  "As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.")
            return func()

        print "As the decorator, I return the wrapped function."

        return wrapped

    print "As a decorator maker, I return a decorator"
    return my_decorator

# Let’s create a decorator. It’s just a new function after all.
# 我们创建了一个 decorator , 它只是新的函数
new_decorator = decorator_maker()       
#I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
#As a decorator maker, I return a decorator

# Then we decorate the function
# 我们继续创建一个迭代的函数

def decorated_function():
    print "I am the decorated function."

decorated_function = new_decorator(decorated_function)
#I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
#As the decorator, I return the wrapped function

# 这个函数是 调用wrapped()的结果.也就是上层my_decorator参数中的func,实例中是 decorated_function()
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
#As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
#I am the decorated function.



def decorated_function():
    print "I am the decorated function."

decorated_function = decorator_maker()(decorated_function)
#I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
#As a decorator maker, I return a decorator
#I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
#As the decorator, I return the wrapped function.

# Finally:
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
#As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
#I am the decorated function.


def decorated_function():
    print "I am the decorated function."
#I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
#As a decorator maker, I return a decorator
#I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
#As the decorator, I return the wrapped function.

#I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
#As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
#I am the decorated function.

看到上面例子中的"@"了么? 我们使用"@"这个函数调用语法


def decorator_maker_with_arguments(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2):

    print "I make decorators! And I accept arguments:", decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2

    def my_decorator(func):
        # The ability to pass arguments here is a gift from closures.
        # If you are not comfortable with closures, you can assume it’s ok,
        # or read:
        print "I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments:", decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2

        # Don't confuse decorator arguments and function arguments!
        def wrapped(function_arg1, function_arg2) :
            print ("I am the wrapper around the decorated function.
                  "I can access all the variables
                  "	- from the decorator: {0} {1}
                  "	- from the function call: {2} {3}
                  "Then I can pass them to the decorated function"
                  .format(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2,
                          function_arg1, function_arg2))
            return func(function_arg1, function_arg2)

        return wrapped

    return my_decorator

@decorator_maker_with_arguments("Leonard", "Sheldon")
def decorated_function_with_arguments(function_arg1, function_arg2):
    print ("I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments: {0}"
           " {1}".format(function_arg1, function_arg2))

decorated_function_with_arguments("Rajesh", "Howard")
#I make decorators! And I accept arguments: Leonard Sheldon
#I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments: Leonard Sheldon
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function.

上面实现了带参数的装饰器,另外: 参数也也可以是一个变量

c1 = "Penny"
c2 = "Leslie"

@decorator_maker_with_arguments("Leonard", c1)
def decorated_function_with_arguments(function_arg1, function_arg2):
    print ("I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments:"
           " {0} {1}".format(function_arg1, function_arg2))

decorated_function_with_arguments(c2, "Howard")
#I make decorators! And I accept arguments: Leonard Penny
#I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments: Leonard Penny
#I am the wrapper around the decorated function. 
#I can access all the variables 
#   - from the decorator: Leonard Penny 
#   - from the function call: Leslie Howard 
#Then I can pass them to the decorated function
#I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments: Leslie Howard

看了上面什么感觉, 你能够传递传递参数给装饰器就像使用了魔法的函数一样(magic function).如果你原因, 你可以使用*args, **kwargs作为参数. 但是你要记住装饰器只能被调用一次.在python 引入(import)这个脚本文件之后,你就不能动态的设置参数了.当你执行"import x"的时候,函数已经被装饰了.你就不能修改任何事情了

5.3 练习: 装饰一个装饰器



def decorator_with_args(decorator_to_enhance):
    This function is supposed to be used as a decorator.
    It must decorate an other function, that is intended to be used as a decorator.
    Take a cup of coffee.
    It will allow any decorator to accept an arbitrary number of arguments,
    saving you the headache to remember how to do that every time.

    # We use the same trick we did to pass arguments
    def decorator_maker(*args, **kwargs):

        # We create on the fly a decorator that accepts only a function
        # but keeps the passed arguments from the maker.
        def decorator_wrapper(func):

            # We return the result of the original decorator, which, after all, 
            # IS JUST AN ORDINARY FUNCTION (which returns a function).
            # Only pitfall: the decorator must have this specific signature or it won't work:
            return decorator_to_enhance(func, *args, **kwargs)

        return decorator_wrapper

    return decorator_maker


# You create the function you will use as a decorator. And stick a decorator on it :-)
# Don't forget, the signature is "decorator(func, *args, **kwargs)"
def decorated_decorator(func, *args, **kwargs): 
    def wrapper(function_arg1, function_arg2):
        print "Decorated with", args, kwargs
        return func(function_arg1, function_arg2)
    return wrapper

# Then you decorate the functions you wish with your brand new decorated decorator.

@decorated_decorator(42, 404, 1024)
def decorated_function(function_arg1, function_arg2):
    print "Hello", function_arg1, function_arg2

decorated_function("Universe and", "everything")
#Decorated with (42, 404, 1024) {}
#Hello Universe and everything

# Whoooot!

I know, the last time you had this feeling, it was after listening a guy saying: "before understanding recursion, you must first understand recursion". But now, don't you feel good about mastering this? 不知道上面那段话怎么翻译.

5.4 最好的实践: 装饰器


  • 迭代器在 Python 2.4 之后被引入,因为你的python环境必须在python2.4之上.
  • 装饰器会降低函数调用,记在心里
  • 函数(这个指的是被装饰的函数)不能单独运行.如果这个函数被装饰了,所有的代码就被装饰了.你不能之运行这个函数而不运行装饰器.
  • 装饰器包裹了函数,使得函数的debug比较困难.(在python2.5之后好了很多,下面的functools.wraps()解决了这点)

    functools module 在python2.5中被引入,它内置的 "functools.wraps()"可以复制被装饰函数的name, module, and docstring 到 wrapper中.

(号外: *functools.wraps()也是一个装饰器)

# For debugging, the stacktrace prints you the function __name__
def foo():
    print "foo"

print foo.__name__
#outputs: foo

# With a decorator, it gets messy    
def bar(func):
    def wrapper():
        print "bar"
        return func()
    return wrapper

def foo():
    print "foo"

print foo.__name__
#outputs: wrapper

# "functools" can help for that

import functools

def bar(func):
    # We say that "wrapper", is wrapping "func"
    # and the magic begins
    def wrapper():
        print "bar"
        return func()
    return wrapper

def foo():
    print "foo"

print foo.__name__
#outputs: foo

5.5 如何理解装饰器的执行步骤.

6 装饰器的用处


6.1 装饰器有什么用

这的确是一个好问题: 我用装饰器做什么?

虽然装饰器看起来很magic,但是有一个例子就会更加的明了,记住:装饰器可以让你的函数有无限的变化. 通过写一个用户类来 扩展一个外部lib或者debugging方式(也许你不想临时的修改)来扩展一个函数行为.


def benchmark(func):
    A decorator that prints the time a function takes
    to execute.
    import time
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        t = time.clock()
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print func.__name__, time.clock()-t
        return res
    return wrapper

def logging(func):
    A decorator that logs the activity of the script.
    (it actually just prints it, but it could be logging!)
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print func.__name__, args, kwargs
        return res
    return wrapper

def counter(func):
    A decorator that counts and prints the number of times a function has been executed
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        wrapper.count = wrapper.count + 1
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print "{0} has been used: {1}x".format(func.__name__, wrapper.count)
        return res
    wrapper.count = 0
    return wrapper

def reverse_string(string):
    return str(reversed(string))

print reverse_string("Able was I ere I saw Elba")
print reverse_string("A man, a plan, a canoe, pasta, heros, rajahs, a coloratura, maps, snipe, percale, macaroni, a gag, a banana bag, a tan, a tag, a banana bag again (or a camel), a crepe, pins, Spam, a rut, a Rolo, cash, a jar, sore hats, a peon, a canal: Panama!")

#reverse_string ('Able was I ere I saw Elba',) {}
#wrapper 0.0
#wrapper has been used: 1x 
#ablE was I ere I saw elbA
#reverse_string ('A man, a plan, a canoe, pasta, heros, rajahs, a coloratura, maps, snipe, percale, macaroni, a gag, a banana bag, a tan, a tag, a banana bag again (or a camel), a crepe, pins, Spam, a rut, a Rolo, cash, a jar, sore hats, a peon, a canal: Panama!',) {}
#wrapper 0.0
#wrapper has been used: 2x
#!amanaP :lanac a ,noep a ,stah eros ,raj a ,hsac ,oloR a ,tur a ,mapS ,snip ,eperc a ,)lemac a ro( niaga gab ananab a ,gat a ,nat a ,gab ananab a ,gag a ,inoracam ,elacrep ,epins ,spam ,arutaroloc a ,shajar ,soreh ,atsap ,eonac a ,nalp a ,nam A


def get_random_futurama_quote():
    from urllib import urlopen
    result = urlopen("").read()
        value = result.split("<br><b><hr><br>")[1].split("<br><br><hr>")[0]
        return value.strip()
        return "No, I'm ... doesn't!"

print get_random_futurama_quote()
print get_random_futurama_quote()

#get_random_futurama_quote () {}
#wrapper 0.02
#wrapper has been used: 1x
#The laws of science be a harsh mistress.
#get_random_futurama_quote () {}
#wrapper 0.01
#wrapper has been used: 2x
#Curse you, merciful Poseidon!


  • 在python 内部提供了几个装饰器: @property,staticmethod,
  • Django 使用装饰器管理views权限
  • Twisted 用来实现内部的异步函数调用

6.2 python的内置装饰器


6.2.1 staticmethod

staticmethod 是类静态方法,其跟成员方法的区别是没有 self 指针,并且可以在类不进行实例化的情况下调用,下面是一个实例,对比静态方法和成员方法

class Foo(object):  

    # 没有写self指针
    def statc_method(msg):  
        print msg  

    def member_method(self, msg):  
        print msg  

foo = Foo()  
foo.member_method('some msg')  
foo.statc_method('some msg')  
# 这个Foo是为实例化的class
Foo.statc_method('some msg')

#    some msg  
#    some msg  
#    some msg

6.2.2 classmethod

classmethod 与成员方法的区别在于所接收的第一个参数不是 self 类实例的指针,而是当前类的具体类型,下面是一个实例:

class Foo(object):  
    def class_method(cls):  
        print repr(cls)  

    def member_method(self):  
        print repr(self)  

foo = Foo()  

# output:
#     <class '__main__.Foo'>  
#     <__main__.Foo object at 0x10a611c50>

6.2.3 property

property 是属性的意思,即可以通过通过类实例直接访问的信息,下面是具体的例子:

class Foo(object):  
    def __init__(self, var):  
        super(Foo, self).__init__()  
        self._var = var  

    def var(self):  
        return self._var  

    def var(self, var):  
        self._var = var  

foo = Foo('var 1')  
print foo.var  
foo.var = 'var 2'  
print foo.var  
# output
#     var 1  
#     var 2


6.3 这不是魔法系列(主要是flask的url解析)


7 这不是魔法


7.1 前言


app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

7.2 装饰器



# This is our decorator
def simple_decorator(f):
    # This is the new function we're going to return
    # This function will be used in place of our original definition
    def wrapper():
        print "Entering Function"
        print "Exited Function"

    return wrapper

def hello():
    print "Hello World"



Entering Function
Hello World
Exited Function



def decorator_factory(enter_message, exit_message):
    # We're going to return this decorator
    def simple_decorator(f):
        def wrapper():
            print enter_message
            print exit_message

        return wrapper

    return simple_decorator

@decorator_factory("Start", "End")
def hello():
    print "Hello World"



Hello World

7.3 将 app 放进app.route

现在我们掌握了装饰器怎样工作的全部前置知识 ,可以重新实现Flask API的这个部分了,那么把我们的目光转移到“app”在我们Flask应用中的重要地位上面来。


class NotFlask():

app = NotFlask()

这不是个很有趣的类,不过有一样值得注意,就是这个类的方法也可以被用作装饰器,所以让我们把这个类写得更有趣一点,加一个称作 route的方法,它是一个简单的装饰器工厂。

class NotFlask():
    def route(self, route_str):
        def decorator(f):
            return f

        return decorator

app = NotFlask()

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"




class NotFlask():
    def __init__(self):
        self.routes = {}

    def route(self, route_str):
        def decorator(f):
            self.routes[route_str] = f
            return f

        return decorator

app = NotFlask()

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"


class NotFlask():
    def __init__(self):
        self.routes = {}

    def route(self, route_str):
        def decorator(f):
            self.routes[route_str] = f
            return f

        return decorator

    def serve(self, path):
        view_function = self.routes.get(path)
        if view_function:
            return view_function()
            raise ValueError('Route "{}"" has not been registered'.format(path))

app = NotFlask()

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"


app = NotFlask()

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

print app.serve("/")


Hello World!


class TestNotFlask(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self): = NotFlask()

    def test_valid_route(self):'/')
        def index():
            return 'Hello World'

        self.assertEqual('/'), 'Hello World')

    def test_invalid_route(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

7.4 以正则的形式表达我们的路径






import re

route_regex = re.compile(r"^/hello/(.+)$")
match = route_regex.match("/hello/ains")

print match.groups()




7.5 命名捕获组






route_regex = re.compile(r'^/hello/(?P<username>.+)$')
match = route_regex.match("/hello/ains")

print match.groupdict()


{'username': 'ains'}




def build_route_pattern(route):
    route_regex = re.sub(r'(<w+>)', r'(?P1.+)', route)
    return re.compile("^{}$".format(route_regex))

print build_route_pattern('/hello/<username>')


re.sub的第一个参数 我们将我们的模式放进括号,目的是把它分配到第一个匹配组。在我们的第二个参数,我们可以使用第一匹配组的内容,方法是写1(2将是第二匹配组的内容,以此类推…….)





7.6 推陈出新


class NotFlask():
    def __init__(self):
        self.routes = {}

    def route(self, route_str):
        def decorator(f):
            self.routes[route_str] = f
            return f

        return decorator

    def serve(self, path):
        view_function = self.routes.get(path)
        if view_function:
            return view_function()
            raise ValueError('Route "{}"" has not been registered'.format(path))

app = NotFlask()

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"


让我们从改造我们的函数着手,以便于添加路径,这样我们就可以用(pattern, view_function)对列表代替字典保存我们的路径。



class NotFlask():
    def __init__(self):
        self.routes = []

    # Here's our build_route_pattern we made earlier
    def build_route_pattern(route):
        route_regex = re.sub(r'(<w+>)', r'(?P1.+)', route)
        return re.compile("^{}$".format(route_regex))

    def route(self, route_str):
        def decorator(f):
            # Instead of inserting into a dictionary,
            # We'll append the tuple to our route list
            route_pattern = self.build_route_pattern(route_str)
            self.routes.append((route_pattern, f))

            return f

        return decorator




def get_route_match(path):
    for route_pattern, view_function in self.routes:
        m = route_pattern.match(path)
        if m:
           return m.groupdict(), view_function

    return None





def hello_user(username):
    return "Hello {}!".format(username)


>>> hello_user("ains")
Hello ains!


>>> hello_user(username="ains")
Hello ains!

在Python中最后一种调用一个函数的方法是使用关键词参数字典,字典中的关键词对应参数名称。我们告诉Python解包一个字典,并通过使用两个星号“**”来把它当作函数的关键词参数。 下面的代码段与上面的代码段完全一样,现在我们使用字典参数,我们可以在运行时动态创建它。

>>> kwargs = {"username": "ains"}
>>> hello_user(**kwargs)
Hello ains!

好了,还记得上面的groupdict()方法?就是那个同样的在正则表达式完成匹配后返回{“username”: “ains”}的家伙?那么现在我们了解了kwargs,我们能很容易向我们的view_function传递字典匹配,完成NotFlask!


class NotFlask():
    def __init__(self):
        self.routes = []

    def build_route_pattern(route):
        route_regex = re.sub(r'(<w+>)', r'(?P1.+)', route)
        return re.compile("^{}$".format(route_regex))

    def route(self, route_str):
        def decorator(f):
            route_pattern = self.build_route_pattern(route_str)
            self.routes.append((route_pattern, f))

            return f

        return decorator

    def get_route_match(self, path):
        for route_pattern, view_function in self.routes:
            m = route_pattern.match(path)
            if m:
                return m.groupdict(), view_function

        return None

    def serve(self, path):
        route_match = self.get_route_match(path)
        if route_match:
            kwargs, view_function = route_match
            return view_function(**kwargs)
            raise ValueError('Route "{}"" has not been registered'.format(path))


app = NotFlask()

def hello_user(username):
    return "Hello {}!".format(username)

print app.serve("/hello/ains")


Hello ains!

8 建议阅读:

pep318 关于迭代器的为什么使用@

Created: 2015-11-22 日 17:36

