方便查看 linux/kernel/system_call.s

  1 /*
  2  *  linux/kernel/system_call.s
  3  *
  4  *  (C) 1991  Linus Torvalds
  5  */
  7 /*
  8  *  system_call.s  contains the system-call low-level handling routines.
  9  * This also contains the timer-interrupt handler, as some of the code is
 10  * the same. The hd- and flopppy-interrupts are also here.
 11  *
 12  * NOTE: This code handles signal-recognition, which happens every time
 13  * after a timer-interrupt and after each system call. Ordinary interrupts
 14  * don't handle signal-recognition, as that would clutter them up totally
 15  * unnecessarily.
 16  *
 17  * Stack layout in 'ret_from_system_call':
 18  *
 19  *       0(%esp) - %eax
 20  *       4(%esp) - %ebx
 21  *       8(%esp) - %ecx
 22  *       C(%esp) - %edx
 23  *      10(%esp) - %fs
 24  *      14(%esp) - %es
 25  *      18(%esp) - %ds
 26  *      1C(%esp) - %eip
 27  *      20(%esp) - %cs
 28  *      24(%esp) - %eflags
 29  *      28(%esp) - %oldesp
 30  *      2C(%esp) - %oldss
 31  */
 33 SIG_CHLD        = 17
 35 EAX             = 0x00
 36 EBX             = 0x04
 37 ECX             = 0x08
 38 EDX             = 0x0C
 39 FS              = 0x10
 40 ES              = 0x14
 41 DS              = 0x18
 42 EIP             = 0x1C
 43 CS              = 0x20
 44 EFLAGS          = 0x24
 45 OLDESP          = 0x28
 46 OLDSS           = 0x2C
 48 state   = 0             # these are offsets into the task-struct.
 49 counter = 4
 50 priority = 8
 51 signal  = 12
 52 sigaction = 16          # MUST be 16 (=len of sigaction)
 53 blocked = (33*16)
 55 # offsets within sigaction
 56 sa_handler = 0
 57 sa_mask = 4
 58 sa_flags = 8
 59 sa_restorer = 12
 61 nr_system_calls = 72
 63 /*
 64  * Ok, I get parallel printer interrupts while using the floppy for some
 65  * strange reason. Urgel. Now I just ignore them.
 66  */
 67 .globl _system_call,_sys_fork,_timer_interrupt,_sys_execve
 68 .globl _hd_interrupt,_floppy_interrupt,_parallel_interrupt
 69 .globl _device_not_available, _coprocessor_error
 71 .align 2
 72 bad_sys_call:
 73         movl $-1,%eax
 74         iret
 75 .align 2
 76 reschedule:
 77         pushl $ret_from_sys_call
 78         jmp _schedule
 79 .align 2
 80 _system_call:
 81         cmpl $nr_system_calls-1,%eax
 82         ja bad_sys_call
 83         push %ds
 84         push %es
 85         push %fs
 86         pushl %edx
 87         pushl %ecx              # push %ebx,%ecx,%edx as parameters
 88         pushl %ebx              # to the system call
 89         movl $0x10,%edx         # set up ds,es to kernel space
 90         mov %dx,%ds
 91         mov %dx,%es
 92         movl $0x17,%edx         # fs points to local data space
 93         mov %dx,%fs
 94         call _sys_call_table(,%eax,4)
 95         pushl %eax
 96         movl _current,%eax
 97         cmpl $0,state(%eax)             # state
 98         jne reschedule
 99         cmpl $0,counter(%eax)           # counter
100         je reschedule
101 ret_from_sys_call:
102         movl _current,%eax              # task[0] cannot have signals
103         cmpl _task,%eax
104         je 3f
105         cmpw $0x0f,CS(%esp)             # was old code segment supervisor ?
106         jne 3f
107         cmpw $0x17,OLDSS(%esp)          # was stack segment = 0x17 ?
108         jne 3f
109         movl signal(%eax),%ebx
110         movl blocked(%eax),%ecx
111         notl %ecx
112         andl %ebx,%ecx
113         bsfl %ecx,%ecx
114         je 3f
115         btrl %ecx,%ebx
116         movl %ebx,signal(%eax)
117         incl %ecx
118         pushl %ecx
119         call _do_signal
120         popl %eax
121 3:      popl %eax
122         popl %ebx
123         popl %ecx
124         popl %edx
125         pop %fs
126         pop %es
127         pop %ds
128         iret
130 .align 2
131 _coprocessor_error:
132         push %ds
133         push %es
134         push %fs
135         pushl %edx
136         pushl %ecx
137         pushl %ebx
138         pushl %eax
139         movl $0x10,%eax
140         mov %ax,%ds
141         mov %ax,%es
142         movl $0x17,%eax
143         mov %ax,%fs
144         pushl $ret_from_sys_call
145         jmp _math_error
147 .align 2
148 _device_not_available:
149         push %ds
150         push %es
151         push %fs
152         pushl %edx
153         pushl %ecx
154         pushl %ebx
155         pushl %eax
156         movl $0x10,%eax
157         mov %ax,%ds
158         mov %ax,%es
159         movl $0x17,%eax
160         mov %ax,%fs
161         pushl $ret_from_sys_call
162         clts                            # clear TS so that we can use math
163         movl %cr0,%eax
164         testl $0x4,%eax                 # EM (math emulation bit)
165         je _math_state_restore
166         pushl %ebp
167         pushl %esi
168         pushl %edi
169         call _math_emulate
170         popl %edi
171         popl %esi
172         popl %ebp
173         ret
175 .align 2
176 _timer_interrupt:
177         push %ds                # save ds,es and put kernel data space
178         push %es                # into them. %fs is used by _system_call
179         push %fs
180         pushl %edx              # we save %eax,%ecx,%edx as gcc doesn't
181         pushl %ecx              # save those across function calls. %ebx
182         pushl %ebx              # is saved as we use that in ret_sys_call
183         pushl %eax
184         movl $0x10,%eax
185         mov %ax,%ds
186         mov %ax,%es
187         movl $0x17,%eax
188         mov %ax,%fs
189         incl _jiffies
190         movb $0x20,%al          # EOI to interrupt controller #1
191         outb %al,$0x20
192         movl CS(%esp),%eax
193         andl $3,%eax            # %eax is CPL (0 or 3, 0=supervisor)
194         pushl %eax
195         call _do_timer          # 'do_timer(long CPL)' does everything from
196         addl $4,%esp            # task switching to accounting ...
197         jmp ret_from_sys_call
199 .align 2
200 _sys_execve:
201         lea EIP(%esp),%eax
202         pushl %eax
203         call _do_execve
204         addl $4,%esp
205         ret
207 .align 2
208 _sys_fork:
209         call _find_empty_process
210         testl %eax,%eax
211         js 1f
212         push %gs
213         pushl %esi
214         pushl %edi
215         pushl %ebp
216         pushl %eax
217         call _copy_process
218         addl $20,%esp
219 1:      ret
221 _hd_interrupt:
222         pushl %eax
223         pushl %ecx
224         pushl %edx
225         push %ds
226         push %es
227         push %fs
228         movl $0x10,%eax
229         mov %ax,%ds
230         mov %ax,%es
231         movl $0x17,%eax
232         mov %ax,%fs
233         movb $0x20,%al
234         outb %al,$0xA0          # EOI to interrupt controller #1
235         jmp 1f                  # give port chance to breathe
236 1:      jmp 1f
237 1:      xorl %edx,%edx
238         xchgl _do_hd,%edx
239         testl %edx,%edx
240         jne 1f
241         movl $_unexpected_hd_interrupt,%edx
242 1:      outb %al,$0x20
243         call *%edx              # "interesting" way of handling intr.
244         pop %fs
245         pop %es
246         pop %ds
247         popl %edx
248         popl %ecx
249         popl %eax
250         iret
252 _floppy_interrupt:
253         pushl %eax
254         pushl %ecx
255         pushl %edx
256         push %ds
257         push %es
258         push %fs
259         movl $0x10,%eax
260         mov %ax,%ds
261         mov %ax,%es
262         movl $0x17,%eax
263         mov %ax,%fs
264         movb $0x20,%al
265         outb %al,$0x20          # EOI to interrupt controller #1
266         xorl %eax,%eax
267         xchgl _do_floppy,%eax
268         testl %eax,%eax
269         jne 1f
270         movl $_unexpected_floppy_interrupt,%eax
271 1:      call *%eax              # "interesting" way of handling intr.
272         pop %fs
273         pop %es
274         pop %ds
275         popl %edx
276         popl %ecx
277         popl %eax
278         iret
280 _parallel_interrupt:
281         pushl %eax
282         movb $0x20,%al
283         outb %al,$0x20
284         popl %eax
285         iret