
(function() {
    var define, requireModule, require, requirejs;

    (function() {
        var registry = {},
        seen = {};

        define = function(name, deps, callback) {
            registry[name] = {
                deps: deps,
                callback: callback

        requirejs = require = requireModule = function(name) {
            requirejs._eak_seen = registry;

            if (seen[name]) {
                return seen[name];
            seen[name] = {};

            if (!registry[name]) {
                throw new Error("Could not find module " + name);

            var mod = registry[name],
            deps = mod.deps,
            callback = mod.callback,
            reified = [],

            for (var i = 0,
            l = deps.length; i < l; i++) {
                if (deps[i] === 'exports') {
                    reified.push(exports = {});
                } else {

            var value = callback.apply(this, reified);
            return seen[name] = exports || value;

            function resolve(child) {
                if (child.charAt(0) !== '.') {
                    return child;
                var parts = child.split("/");
                var parentBase = name.split("/").slice(0, -1);

                for (var i = 0,
                l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
                    var part = parts[i];

                    if (part === '..') {
                    } else if (part === '.') {
                    } else {

                return parentBase.join("/");

    define("promise/all", ["./utils", "exports"],
    function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
        "use strict";
        /* global toString */

        var isArray = __dependency1__.isArray;
        var isFunction = __dependency1__.isFunction;

      Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been
      fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. The return promise
      is fulfilled with an array that gives all the values in the order they were
      passed in the `promises` array argument.


      var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
      var promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2);
      var promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3);
      var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];

        // The array here would be [ 1, 2, 3 ];

      If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.all` are rejected, the first promise
      that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promises's
      rejection handler. For example:


      var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
      var promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error("2"));
      var promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error("3"));
      var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];

        // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
      }, function(error) {
        // error.message === "2"

      @method all
      @for RSVP
      @param {Array} promises
      @param {String} label
      @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all `promises` have been
      fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected.
        function all(promises) {
            /*jshint validthis:true */
            var Promise = this;

            if (!isArray(promises)) {
                throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to all.');

            return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
                var results = [],
                remaining = promises.length,

                if (remaining === 0) {

                function resolver(index) {
                    return function(value) {
                        resolveAll(index, value);

                function resolveAll(index, value) {
                    results[index] = value;
                    if (--remaining === 0) {

                for (var i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) {
                    promise = promises[i];

                    if (promise && isFunction(promise.then)) {
                        promise.then(resolver(i), reject);
                    } else {
                        resolveAll(i, promise);

        __exports__.all = all;
    define("promise/asap", ["exports"],
    function(__exports__) {
        "use strict";
        var browserGlobal = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window: {};
        var BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver;
        var local = (typeof global !== 'undefined') ? global: this;

        // node
        function useNextTick() {
            return function() {

        function useMutationObserver() {
            var iterations = 0;
            var observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush);
            var node = document.createTextNode('');
            observer.observe(node, {
                characterData: true

            return function() {
       = (iterations = ++iterations % 2);

        function useSetTimeout() {
            return function() {
                local.setTimeout(flush, 1);

        var queue = [];
        function flush() {
            for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
                var tuple = queue[i];
                var callback = tuple[0],
                arg = tuple[1];
            queue = [];

        var scheduleFlush;

        // Decide what async method to use to triggering processing of queued callbacks:
        if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]') {
            scheduleFlush = useNextTick();
        } else if (BrowserMutationObserver) {
            scheduleFlush = useMutationObserver();
        } else {
            scheduleFlush = useSetTimeout();

        function asap(callback, arg) {
            var length = queue.push([callback, arg]);
            if (length === 1) {
                // If length is 1, that means that we need to schedule an async flush.
                // If additional callbacks are queued before the queue is flushed, they
                // will be processed by this flush that we are scheduling.

        __exports__.asap = asap;
    define("promise/cast", ["exports"],
    function(__exports__) {
        "use strict";
      `RSVP.Promise.cast` returns the same promise if that promise shares a constructor
      with the promise being casted.


      var promise = RSVP.resolve(1);
      var casted = RSVP.Promise.cast(promise);

      console.log(promise === casted); // true

      In the case of a promise whose constructor does not match, it is assimilated.
      The resulting promise will fulfill or reject based on the outcome of the
      promise being casted.

      In the case of a non-promise, a promise which will fulfill with that value is


      var value = 1; // could be a number, boolean, string, undefined...
      var casted = RSVP.Promise.cast(value);

      console.log(value === casted); // false
      console.log(casted instanceof RSVP.Promise) // true

      casted.then(function(val) {
        val === value // => true

      `RSVP.Promise.cast` is similar to `RSVP.resolve`, but `RSVP.Promise.cast` differs in the
      following ways:
      * `RSVP.Promise.cast` serves as a memory-efficient way of getting a promise, when you
      have something that could either be a promise or a value. RSVP.resolve
      will have the same effect but will create a new promise wrapper if the
      argument is a promise.
      * `RSVP.Promise.cast` is a way of casting incoming thenables or promise subclasses to
      promises of the exact class specified, so that the resulting object's `then` is
      ensured to have the behavior of the constructor you are calling cast on (i.e., RSVP.Promise).

      @method cast
      @for RSVP
      @param {Object} object to be casted
      @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all properties of `promises`
      have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected.

        function cast(object) {
            /*jshint validthis:true */
            if (object && typeof object === 'object' && object.constructor === this) {
                return object;

            var Promise = this;

            return new Promise(function(resolve) {

        __exports__.cast = cast;
    define("promise/config", ["exports"],
    function(__exports__) {
        "use strict";
        var config = {
            instrument: false

        function configure(name, value) {
            if (arguments.length === 2) {
                config[name] = value;
            } else {
                return config[name];

        __exports__.config = config;
        __exports__.configure = configure;
    define("promise/polyfill", ["./promise", "./utils", "exports"],
    function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
        "use strict";
        var RSVPPromise = __dependency1__.Promise;
        var isFunction = __dependency2__.isFunction;

        function polyfill() {
            var es6PromiseSupport = "Promise" in window &&
            // Some of these methods are missing from
            // Firefox/Chrome experimental implementations
            "cast" in window.Promise && "resolve" in window.Promise && "reject" in window.Promise && "all" in window.Promise && "race" in window.Promise &&
            // Older version of the spec had a resolver object
            // as the arg rather than a function
            (function() {
                var resolve;
                new window.Promise(function(r) {
                    resolve = r;
                return isFunction(resolve);
            } ());

            if (!es6PromiseSupport) {
                window.Promise = RSVPPromise;

        __exports__.polyfill = polyfill;
    define("promise/promise", ["./config", "./utils", "./cast", "./all", "./race", "./resolve", "./reject", "./asap", "exports"],
    function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
        "use strict";
        var config = __dependency1__.config;
        var configure = __dependency1__.configure;
        var objectOrFunction = __dependency2__.objectOrFunction;
        var isFunction = __dependency2__.isFunction;
        var now =;
        var cast = __dependency3__.cast;
        var all = __dependency4__.all;
        var race = __dependency5__.race;
        var staticResolve = __dependency6__.resolve;
        var staticReject = __dependency7__.reject;
        var asap = __dependency8__.asap;

        var counter = 0;

        config.async = asap; // default async is asap;
        function Promise(resolver) {
            if (!isFunction(resolver)) {
                throw new TypeError('You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor');

            if (! (this instanceof Promise)) {
                throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");

            this._subscribers = [];

            invokeResolver(resolver, this);

        function invokeResolver(resolver, promise) {
            function resolvePromise(value) {
                resolve(promise, value);

            function rejectPromise(reason) {
                reject(promise, reason);

            try {
                resolver(resolvePromise, rejectPromise);
            } catch(e) {

        function invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) {
            var hasCallback = isFunction(callback),

            if (hasCallback) {
                try {
                    value = callback(detail);
                    succeeded = true;
                } catch(e) {
                    failed = true;
                    error = e;
            } else {
                value = detail;
                succeeded = true;

            if (handleThenable(promise, value)) {
            } else if (hasCallback && succeeded) {
                resolve(promise, value);
            } else if (failed) {
                reject(promise, error);
            } else if (settled === FULFILLED) {
                resolve(promise, value);
            } else if (settled === REJECTED) {
                reject(promise, value);

        var PENDING = void 0;
        var SEALED = 0;
        var FULFILLED = 1;
        var REJECTED = 2;

        function subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) {
            var subscribers = parent._subscribers;
            var length = subscribers.length;

            subscribers[length] = child;
            subscribers[length + FULFILLED] = onFulfillment;
            subscribers[length + REJECTED] = onRejection;

        function publish(promise, settled) {
            var child, callback, subscribers = promise._subscribers,
            detail = promise._detail;

            for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) {
                child = subscribers[i];
                callback = subscribers[i + settled];

                invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail);

            promise._subscribers = null;

        Promise.prototype = {
            constructor: Promise,

            _state: undefined,
            _detail: undefined,
            _subscribers: undefined,

            then: function(onFulfillment, onRejection) {
                var promise = this;

                var thenPromise = new this.constructor(function() {});

                if (this._state) {
                    var callbacks = arguments;
                    config.async(function invokePromiseCallback() {
                        invokeCallback(promise._state, thenPromise, callbacks[promise._state - 1], promise._detail);
                } else {
                    subscribe(this, thenPromise, onFulfillment, onRejection);

                return thenPromise;

            'catch': function(onRejection) {
                return this.then(null, onRejection);

        Promise.all = all;
        Promise.cast = cast;
        Promise.race = race;
        Promise.resolve = staticResolve;
        Promise.reject = staticReject;

        function handleThenable(promise, value) {
            var then = null,

            try {
                if (promise === value) {
                    throw new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.");

                if (objectOrFunction(value)) {
                    then = value.then;

                    if (isFunction(then)) {
                        function(val) {
                            if (resolved) {
                                return true;
                            resolved = true;

                            if (value !== val) {
                                resolve(promise, val);
                            } else {
                                fulfill(promise, val);
                        function(val) {
                            if (resolved) {
                                return true;
                            resolved = true;

                            reject(promise, val);

                        return true;
            } catch(error) {
                if (resolved) {
                    return true;
                reject(promise, error);
                return true;

            return false;

        function resolve(promise, value) {
            if (promise === value) {
                fulfill(promise, value);
            } else if (!handleThenable(promise, value)) {
                fulfill(promise, value);

        function fulfill(promise, value) {
            if (promise._state !== PENDING) {
            promise._state = SEALED;
            promise._detail = value;

            config.async(publishFulfillment, promise);

        function reject(promise, reason) {
            if (promise._state !== PENDING) {
            promise._state = SEALED;
            promise._detail = reason;

            config.async(publishRejection, promise);

        function publishFulfillment(promise) {
            publish(promise, promise._state = FULFILLED);

        function publishRejection(promise) {
            publish(promise, promise._state = REJECTED);

        __exports__.Promise = Promise;
    define("promise/race", ["./utils", "exports"],
    function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
        "use strict";
        /* global toString */
        var isArray = __dependency1__.isArray;

      `RSVP.race` allows you to watch a series of promises and act as soon as the
      first promise given to the `promises` argument fulfills or rejects.


      var promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
          resolve("promise 1");
        }, 200);

      var promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
          resolve("promise 2");
        }, 100);

      RSVP.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){
        // result === "promise 2" because it was resolved before promise1
        // was resolved.

      `RSVP.race` is deterministic in that only the state of the first completed
      promise matters. For example, even if other promises given to the `promises`
      array argument are resolved, but the first completed promise has become
      rejected before the other promises became fulfilled, the returned promise
      will become rejected:

      var promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
          resolve("promise 1");
        }, 200);

      var promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
          reject(new Error("promise 2"));
        }, 100);

      RSVP.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){
        // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
      }, function(reason){
        // reason.message === "promise2" because promise 2 became rejected before
        // promise 1 became fulfilled

      @method race
      @for RSVP
      @param {Array} promises array of promises to observe
      @param {String} label optional string for describing the promise returned.
      Useful for tooling.
      @return {Promise} a promise that becomes fulfilled with the value the first
      completed promises is resolved with if the first completed promise was
      fulfilled, or rejected with the reason that the first completed promise
      was rejected with.
        function race(promises) {
            /*jshint validthis:true */
            var Promise = this;

            if (!isArray(promises)) {
                throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to race.');
            return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
                var results = [],

                for (var i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) {
                    promise = promises[i];

                    if (promise && typeof promise.then === 'function') {
                        promise.then(resolve, reject);
                    } else {

        __exports__.race = race;
    define("promise/reject", ["exports"],
    function(__exports__) {
        "use strict";
      `RSVP.reject` returns a promise that will become rejected with the passed
      `reason`. `RSVP.reject` is essentially shorthand for the following:

      var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        reject(new Error('WHOOPS'));

        // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected!
      }, function(reason){
        // reason.message === 'WHOOPS'

      Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following:

      var promise = RSVP.reject(new Error('WHOOPS'));

        // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected!
      }, function(reason){
        // reason.message === 'WHOOPS'

      @method reject
      @for RSVP
      @param {Any} reason value that the returned promise will be rejected with.
      @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise.
      Useful for tooling.
      @return {Promise} a promise that will become rejected with the given
        function reject(reason) {
            /*jshint validthis:true */
            var Promise = this;

            return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

        __exports__.reject = reject;
    define("promise/resolve", ["exports"],
    function(__exports__) {
        "use strict";
      `RSVP.resolve` returns a promise that will become fulfilled with the passed
      `value`. `RSVP.resolve` is essentially shorthand for the following:

      var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){

        // value === 1

      Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following:

      var promise = RSVP.resolve(1);

        // value === 1

      @method resolve
      @for RSVP
      @param {Any} value value that the returned promise will be resolved with
      @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise.
      Useful for tooling.
      @return {Promise} a promise that will become fulfilled with the given
        function resolve(value) {
            /*jshint validthis:true */
            var Promise = this;
            return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

        __exports__.resolve = resolve;
    define("promise/utils", ["exports"],
    function(__exports__) {
        "use strict";
        function objectOrFunction(x) {
            return isFunction(x) || (typeof x === "object" && x !== null);

        function isFunction(x) {
            return typeof x === "function";

        function isArray(x) {
            return === "[object Array]";

        // is not available in browsers < IE9
        var now = ||
        function() {
            return new Date().getTime();

        __exports__.objectOrFunction = objectOrFunction;
        __exports__.isFunction = isFunction;
        __exports__.isArray = isArray; = now;
} ());

