{ }之内的代码块在‘{’右边数格处左对齐

{ }之内的代码块在‘{’右边数格处左对齐。

 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <process.h>
 3 #include <stdlib.h> 
 4 #include <stdio.h> 
 5 /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */
 6 using namespace std;
 7 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 8     FILE *fpd,*fpw;    // 声明FILE结构指针变量 
 9     unsigned char dw;
10     int i=0;
12     //以二进制读方式打开Calc.exe文件
13     if((fpd=fopen("C:WINDOWSCalc.exe", "rb"))==NULL) 
14     { 
15        cout<<"
Could not open the file."<<endl;
16        cout<<"Exiting program."<<endl;
17        exit(1);   //结束程序执行
18     } 
20     // 以二进制写方式打开test.exe文件 
21     if((fpw=fopen("test.exe", "wb+"))==NULL)
22     {
23        cout<<"
Could not open the file."<<endl;
24        cout<<"Exiting program."<<endl;
25        exit(1);   //结束程序执行
26     }
28     // 二进制文件读写操作,每次指定读写1个字节
29     while(!feof(fpd)) {   //使用feof()判断文件尾 
30         fread(&dw, 1, 1, fpd);
31         fwrite(&dw, 1, 1, fpw);
32     }
33     // 关闭文件
34     fclose(fpd);
35     fclose(fpw);
37     //执行Calc.exe和Calc.exe文件
38     cout<<"1 Run C:WINDOWSCalc.exe"<<endl;
39     system("C:WINDOWSCalc.exe");
40     cout<<"-------------------"<<endl;
41     cout<<"2 Run test.exe!"<<endl;
42     system("test.exe");
43     return 0;
44 }