goto 语句

 goto 语句

自从提倡结构化设计以来,goto 就成了有争议的语句。

首先,由于 goto 语句可以 灵活跳转,如果不加限制,它的确会破坏结构化设计风格。其次,goto 语句经常带来错 误或隐患。


 1 #include <iostream>
 3 /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */
 4 using namespace std;
 5 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 6         int score;
 8     //从键盘上输入分数
 9     cout<<"score=";
10     cin>>score;
12     //用带else if的条件语句判断处理
13     if (score<0 || score>100)    
14     {
15        cout<<"The score is out of range!"<<endl;
16     }
17     else if (score>=90) 
18        cout<<"Your grade is a A."<<endl;
19     else if (score>=80) 
20        cout<<"Your grade is a B."<<endl;
21     else if (score>=70) 
22        cout<<"Your grade is a C."<<endl;
23     else if (score>=60) 
24        cout<<"Your grade is a D."<<endl;
25     else 
26        cout<<"Your grade is a E."<<endl;
27     return 0;
28 }