
 1 ifconfig6 -?
 2 Displays or modifies IPv6 configuration for network interface.
 4 IfConfig6 -r [Name] | -l [Name]
 5 IfConfig6 -s <Name> [dad <Num>] [auto | [man [id <mac>] [host <IPv6> gw <IPv6>]
 6              [dns <IPv6>]]]
 8   Name                     Adapter name, i.e., eth0
 9   -r [Name]                Reconfigure all or specified interface, and set
10                            automatic policy. If specified interface is already
11                            set to automatic,then refresh the IPv6 configuration.
12   -l [Name]                List the configuration of the specified interface.
13   -s <Name> dad <Num>      Set dad transmits count of the specified interface.
14   -s <Name> auto           Set automatic policy of the specified interface.
15   -s <Name> man id <Mac>   Set alternative interface id of the specified
16                            interface. Must under manual policy.
17   -s <Name> man host <IPv6> gw <IPv6>
18                            Set static host IP and gateway address of the
19                            specified interface. Must under manual policy.
20   -s <Name> man dns <IPv6> Set DNS server IP addresses of the specified
21                            interface.Must under manual policy.
24   * To list the configuration for the interface eth0:
25     Shell:> ifConfig6 -l eth0
27   * To use automatic configuration to request the IPv6 address configuration
28     dynamically for the interface eth0:
29     Shell:> ifconfig6 -s eth0 auto
31   * To set the dad transmits count for eth0 under automatic policy:
32     Shell:> ifconfig6 -s eth0 auto dad 10
34   * To set the alternative interface id of eth0 under manual policy:
35     Shell:> ifconfig6 -s eth0 man id ff:dd:aa:88:66:cc
37   * To use the static IP6 addresses configuration for the interface eth0,
38     and this configuration survives the network reload:
39     Shell:> ifconfig6 -s eth0 man host 2002::1/64 2002::2/64 gw 2002::3/64