
 1 select  
 2     mass,
 3     case when unit like '英寸%' then '英寸'
 4     when unit like '厘米%' then '厘米' 
 5 when unit = '米%' then ''
 6 when unit = '毫米%' then '毫米'
 7 end unit
 8 ,
 9 round (sum (
10     convert( float,
11         case when  unit like '厘米%' then convert (varchar(20),(leng*0.01)*(wide * 0.01)*qty)
12         when unit like '英寸%' then convert(varchar(20),(leng*0.0254)*(wide * 0.0254)*qty)
13         when unit = '米%' then convert (varchar(20),leng*wide)
14         when unit = '毫米%' then convert (varchar(20),(leng*0.001)*(wide * 0.001)*qty)
15         end 
16     )
17 ) * 1.550031 ,3)AS  采购面积
19 from CaiGouXinXi
20 where leng >0 and wide > 0 
21 group by mass,unit
22 order by 采购面积 desc
 1  1 select  
 2  2     mass,
 3  3     case when unit like '英寸%' then '英寸'
 4  4     when unit like '厘米%' then '厘米' 
 5  5 when unit = '米%' then ''
 6  6 when unit = '毫米%' then '毫米'
 7  7 end unit
 8  8 ,
 9  9 round (sum (
10 10     convert( float,
11 11         case when  unit like '厘米%' then convert (varchar(20),(leng*0.01)*(wide * 0.01)*qty)
12 12         when unit like '英寸%' then convert(varchar(20),(leng*0.0254)*(wide * 0.0254)*qty)
13 13         when unit = '米%' then convert (varchar(20),leng*wide)
14 14         when unit = '毫米%' then convert (varchar(20),(leng*0.001)*(wide * 0.001)*qty)
15 15         end 
16 16     )
17 17 ) ,3)AS  采购面积
18 18 
19 19 from CaiGouXinXi
20 20 where leng >0 and wide > 0 
21 21 group by mass,unit
22 22 order by 采购面积 desc

表中部分字段:  leng wide qty unit mass

