Loading Xps from MemoryStream

A common way of loading XpsDocument is to load it from file:

XpsDocument document = new XpsDocument(filename, FileAccess.Read, CompressionOption.NotCompressed);
FixedDocumentSequence fixedDocumentSequence = document.GetFixedDocumentSequence();
//To view in the DocViewer
docViewer.Document = fixedDocumentSequence as IDocumentPaginatorSource;

But if we need to Load the Xps from a Stream we can use the Package Class and do the following:

private void LoadXpsFromStream(Byte[] xpsByte, string packageUriString)
  MemoryStream xpsStream = new MemoryStream(xpsByte);
  using (Package package = Package.Open(xpsStream))
  //Remember to create URI for the package
  Uri packageUri = new Uri(packageUriString);
  //Need to add the Package to the PackageStore
  PackageStore.AddPackage(packageUri, package);
  //Create instance of XpsDocument
  XpsDocument document = new XpsDocument(package, CompressionOptions.MaximuCompression, packageUriString);
  //Do the operation on document here
  //Here I am viewing the document in the DocViewer
  FixedDocumentSequence fixedDocumentSequence = document.GetFixedDocumentSequence();
  //To view in the DocViewer
  docViewer.Document = fixedDocumentSequence as IDocumentPaginatorSource;
  //Remember to keep the Package object in PackageStore until all operations complete on document.
  //Remove the package from store

//Calling the above function from Client
//Get bytes[] from MemoryStream
//byte[] xpsBytes = someStream.ToArray();
//For demonstration I am reading bytes from a file
byte[] xpsBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"somexps.xps");
LoadXpsFromStream( xpsBytes, "somexps.xps");

Hope this helps.
