FW: Characters to Avoid in Directories and Filenames

Characters to Avoid in Directories and Filenames


Do not use any of these common illegal characters:

# pound

< left angle bracket

$ dollar sign

+ plus sign

% percent

> right angle bracket

! exclamation point

` backtick

& ampersand

* asterisk

‘ single quotes

| pipe

{ left bracket

? question mark

“ double quotes

= equal sign

} right bracket

/ forward slash

: colon


\ back slash

blank spaces

@ at sign


Also, keep these rules in mind.

  • Don’t start or end your filename with a space, period, hyphen, or underline.
  • Keep your filenames under 31 characters.
  • Most operating systems are case sensitive.
  • Non-ASCII characters need to be escaped.


Bad filenames

Translates to

F&A Costs.html


my PDF file#name.pdf


Good filenames:

  • F_A_Costs/index.html or F-A-Costs/index.html
  • my_PDF_file_name.pdf or my-PDF-file-name.pdf