Leetcode Number of Digit One

Given an integer n, count the total number of digit 1 appearing in all non-negative integers less than or equal to n.

For example:
Given n = 13,
Return 6, because digit 1 occurred in the following numbers: 1, 10, 11, 12, 13.


1. Beware of overflow.




1的个数          含1的数字                                                                        数字范围

1                   1                                                                                     [1, 9]

11                 10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19                                 [10, 19]

1                   21                                                                                   [20, 29]

1                   31                                                                                   [30, 39]

1                   41                                                                                   [40, 49]

1                   51                                                                                   [50, 59]

1                   61                                                                                   [60, 69]

1                   71                                                                                   [70, 79]

1                   81                                                                                   [80, 89]

1                   91                                                                                   [90, 99]

11                 100  101  102  103  104  105  106  107  108  109              [100, 109]

21                 110  111  112  113  114  115  116  117  118  119              [110, 119]

11                 120  121  122  123  124  125  126  127  128  129              [120, 129]

...                  ...                                                                                  ...

通过上面的列举我们可以发现,100以内的数字,除了10-19之间有11个‘1’之外,其余都只有1个。如果我们不考虑[10, 19]区间上那多出来的10个‘1’的话,那么我们在对任意一个两位数,十位数上的数字(加1)就代表1出现的个数,这时候我们再把多出的10个加上即可。比如56就有(5+1)+10=16个。如何知道是否要加上多出的10个呢,我们就要看十位上的数字是否大于等于2,是的话就要加上多余的10个'1'。那么我们就可以用(x+8)/10来判断一个数是否大于等于2。对于三位数也是一样,除了[110, 119]之间多出的10个数之外,其余的每10个数的区间都只有11个‘1’,那么还是可以用相同的方法来判断并累加1的个数。

Java code:

public class Solution {
    public int countDigitOne(int n) {
        int res = 0, a = 1, b = 1;
        while( n > 0) {
            res += (n + 8) / 10 * a + (n % 10 == 1 ? b: 0);
            b += n % 10 * a;
            a *= 10;
            n /= 10;
        return res;


1. http://www.cnblogs.com/grandyang/p/4629032.html

2. https://leetcode.com/discuss/44281/8-lines-o-log-n-c-java-python
