Depreesed & comfused

 It seemed to be such a long  day yesterday  that so many things happened there. Everything turned to be a chaos.
I was so depreesed ,so passive.... 
Even too little energy left  to summon up when I struggled to try .
Such a depressing day ,So difficult to pass it......

Luckily, the sun arising  in  every morining  is a new one, I should also be a  fresh  one in the next day .

How old can a man be when he is mature in terms of personnalitily?
SX didn't feel well the other day ,maybe just at  the moment he sent me a message on QQ while I was still in bed.
I even felt a bit guity for that ,can't explain the reason. Maybe he is three years older than me ,I can still find that  he felt
confused a lot sometimes. I used to think all strangers passing by must be quite happy in their life . I was wrong.

When will we be trully a growm_up  one ?
When will we look at the world clearly,correctly? 
When will we know what to do next definitely ,without any doubt?
Maybe  next morning
Maybe never.......
