



  3 import java.io.InputStream;  
  4 import java.io.OutputStream;  
  5 import java.util.HashMap;  
  6 import java.util.Map;  
  8 import android.content.Context;  
  9 import android.content.SharedPreferences;  
 10 import android.content.res.AssetManager;  
 11 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;  
 12 import android.util.Log;  
 14 /** 
 15  * This is a Assets Database Manager 
 16  * Use it, you can use a assets database file in you application 
 17  * It will copy the database file to "/data/data/[your application package name]/database" when you first time you use it 
 18  * Then you can get a SQLiteDatabase object by the assets database file  
 19  * @author RobinTang 
 20  * @time 2012-09-20 
 21  *  
 22  *  
 23  * How to use: 
 24  * 1. Initialize AssetsDatabaseManager 
 25  * 2. Get AssetsDatabaseManager 
 26  * 3. Get a SQLiteDatabase object through database file 
 27  * 4. Use this database object 
 28  *  
 29  * Using example: 
 30  * AssetsDatabaseManager.initManager(getApplication()); // this method is only need call one time 
 31  * AssetsDatabaseManager mg = AssetsDatabaseManager.getManager();   // get a AssetsDatabaseManager object 
 32  * SQLiteDatabase db1 = mg.getDatabase("db1.db");   // get SQLiteDatabase object, db1.db is a file in assets folder 
 33  * db1.???  // every operate by you want 
 34  * Of cause, you can use AssetsDatabaseManager.getManager().getDatabase("xx") to get a database when you need use a database 
 35  */  
 36 public class AssetsDatabaseManager {  
 37     private static String tag = "AssetsDatabase"; // for LogCat  
 38     private static String databasepath = "/data/data/%s/database"; // %s is packageName  
 41     // A mapping from assets database file to SQLiteDatabase object  
 42     private Map<String, SQLiteDatabase> databases = new HashMap<String, SQLiteDatabase>();  
 44     // Context of application  
 45     private Context context = null;  
 47     // Singleton Pattern  
 48     private static AssetsDatabaseManager mInstance = null;  
 50     /** 
 51      * Initialize AssetsDatabaseManager 
 52      * @param context, context of application 
 53      */  
 54     public static void initManager(Context context){  
 55         if(mInstance == null){  
 56             mInstance = new AssetsDatabaseManager(context);  
 57         }  
 58     }  
 60     /** 
 61      * Get a AssetsDatabaseManager object 
 62      * @return, if success return a AssetsDatabaseManager object, else return null 
 63      */  
 64     public static AssetsDatabaseManager getManager(){  
 65         return mInstance;  
 66     }  
 68     private AssetsDatabaseManager(Context context){  
 69         this.context = context;  
 70     }  
 72     /** 
 73      * Get a assets database, if this database is opened this method is only return a copy of the opened database 
 74      * @param dbfile, the assets file which will be opened for a database 
 75      * @return, if success it return a SQLiteDatabase object else return null 
 76      */  
 77     public SQLiteDatabase getDatabase(String dbfile) {  
 78         if(databases.get(dbfile) != null){  
 79             Log.i(tag, String.format("Return a database copy of %s", dbfile));  
 80             return (SQLiteDatabase) databases.get(dbfile);  
 81         }  
 82         if(context==null)  
 83             return null;  
 85         Log.i(tag, String.format("Create database %s", dbfile));  
 86         String spath = getDatabaseFilepath();  
 87         String sfile = getDatabaseFile(dbfile);  
 89         File file = new File(sfile);  
 90         SharedPreferences dbs = context.getSharedPreferences(
AssetsDatabaseManager.class.toString(), 0);
           // Get Database file flag, if true means this database file was copied and valid  
 91 boolean flag = dbs.getBoolean(dbfile, false);  92 if(!flag || !file.exists()){  93 file = new File(spath);  94 if(!file.exists() && !file.mkdirs()){  95 Log.i(tag, "Create ""+spath+"" fail!");  96 return null;  97  }  98 if(!copyAssetsToFilesystem(dbfile, sfile)){  99 Log.i(tag, String.format("Copy %s to %s fail!", dbfile, sfile)); 100 return null; 101  }  103 dbs.edit().putBoolean(dbfile, true).commit(); 104  } 105 106 SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(sfile, null, 
107 if(db != null){ 108 databases.put(dbfile, db); 109 } 110 return db; 111 } 112 113 private String getDatabaseFilepath(){ 114 return String.format(databasepath, context.getApplicationInfo().packageName); 115 } 116 117 private String getDatabaseFile(String dbfile){ 118 return getDatabaseFilepath()+"/"+dbfile; 119 } 120 121 private boolean copyAssetsToFilesystem(String assetsSrc, String des){ 122 Log.i(tag, "Copy "+assetsSrc+" to "+des); 123 InputStream istream = null; 124 OutputStream ostream = null; 125 try{ 126 AssetManager am = context.getAssets(); 127 istream = am.open(assetsSrc); 128 ostream = new FileOutputStream(des); 129 byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; 130 int length; 131 while ((length = istream.read(buffer))>0){ 132 ostream.write(buffer, 0, length); 133 } 134 istream.close(); 135 ostream.close(); 136 } 137 catch(Exception e){ 138 e.printStackTrace(); 139 try{ 140 if(istream!=null) 141 istream.close(); 142 if(ostream!=null) 143 ostream.close(); 144 } 145 catch(Exception ee){ 146 ee.printStackTrace(); 147 } 148 return false; 149 } 150 return true; 151 } 152 153 /** 154 * Close assets database 155 * @param dbfile, the assets file which will be closed soon 156 * @return, the status of this operating 157 */ 158 public boolean closeDatabase(String dbfile){ 159 if(databases.get(dbfile) != null){ 160 SQLiteDatabase db = (SQLiteDatabase) databases.get(dbfile); 161 db.close(); 162 databases.remove(dbfile); 163 return true; 164 } 165 return false; 166 } 167 168 /** 169 * Close all assets database 170 */ 171 static public void closeAllDatabase(){ 172 Log.i(tag, "closeAllDatabase"); 173 if(mInstance != null){ 174 for(int i=0; i<mInstance.databases.size(); ++i){ 175 if(mInstance.databases.get(i)!=null){ 176 mInstance.databases.get(i).close(); 177 } 178 } 179 mInstance.databases.clear(); 180 } 181 } 182 }



1 // 初始化,只需要调用一次  
2 AssetsDatabaseManager.initManager(getApplication());  
3 // 获取管理对象,因为数据库需要通过管理对象才能够获取  
4 AssetsDatabaseManager mg = AssetsDatabaseManager.getManager();  
5 // 通过管理对象获取数据库  
6 SQLiteDatabase db1 = mg.getDatabase("db1.db");  
7 // 对数据库进行操作  
8 db1.execSQL("insert into tb([ID],[content]) values(null, 'db1');");  

