PowerDesigner导出数据表结构到Excel 一个表一个Sheet 带链接目录


Option Explicit
   Dim rowsNum
   rowsNum = 0
' Main function
' Get the current active model
    Dim Model
    Set Model = ActiveModel
    If (Model Is Nothing) Or (Not Model.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model)) Then
       MsgBox "The current model is not an PDM model."
      ' Get the tables collection
      ' 创建EXCEL APP
      dim beginrow
      set EXCEL = CREATEOBJECT("Excel.Application")
      set BOOK = EXCEL.workbooks.add(-4167)	' 创建工作簿
      BOOK.sheets(1).name ="目录"						'Sheet名称
      set SHEETLIST = BOOK.sheets("目录")		'Sheet对象
			output "[line(21) info]: book.Sheet: " + BOOK.Sheets(1).Name
      BOOK.sheets.add				' 添加工作表Sheet
			output "[line(24) info]: book.Sheet: " + BOOK.Sheets(1).Name
      'EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets(1).name ="表结构"		'Sheet1名称
      'set SHEET = EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets("表结构")	'Sheet1对象
      ShowTableList Model, SHEETLIST
      ShowProperties Model, BOOK
			output	"[line(32) info]: Select: " + BOOK.Sheets(BOOK.Sheets.count).name			
      BOOK.Sheets(BOOK.Sheets.count).Select		'选择默认打开的工作表
      EXCEL.visible = true	' 弹出Excel工作簿
			'EXCEL.ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = True
 End If
' Show properties of tables
Sub ShowProperties(mdl, book)
   ' Show tables of the current model/package
   beginrow = rowsNum+1
	 output "[line(46) info]:	tables count : " &mdl.tables.count
   Dim rowIndex	' 为目录Sheet设置链接位置
   output "[line(50) info]: 表结构 begin ========================"
   ' For each table
   Dim tab	' Power Tables
   For Each tab In mdl.tables
      ShowTable mdl,tab,book,rowIndex
      rowIndex = rowIndex +1
   output "[line(58) info]: 表结构 end !Sheet totals is : " & book.Sheets.count
End Sub

' Show table properties
Sub ShowTable(mdl, tab, book,rowIndex)
  If IsObject(tab) Then

		rowsNum = 0
		rowsNum = rowsNum + 1	'rowsNum=1,工作表第一行
		Dim sheet
		set sheet = book.Sheets(1)
		' Show properties
		Output "[line(72) info]:	" & book.Sheets.count &":" + sheet.name + ":" + tab.name 
		' 设置列宽
    sheet.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 20
    sheet.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 20
    sheet.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 20
    sheet.Columns(4).ColumnWidth = 40
    sheet.Columns(1).WrapText =true
    sheet.Columns(2).WrapText =true
    sheet.Columns(4).WrapText =true
		Dim list
		set list = book.Sheets(book.Sheets.count)
		output "[line(85) info]:llist:为工作表"+ list.name +"工作表中的单元格设置超链接,对应1个表结构"
		list.Hyperlinks.Add list.cells(rowIndex,2), "", sheet.name &"!B"&rowsNum
		'字段名称    字段编码    数据类型    注释    
		sheet.cells(rowsNum, 1) = "字段名称"
		sheet.cells(rowsNum, 2) = "字段编码"
		sheet.cells(rowsNum, 3) = "数据类型"
		sheet.cells(rowsNum, 4) = "注释"
		sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum, 1),sheet.cells(rowsNum, 4)).Borders.LineStyle = "1"
		sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum, 1),sheet.cells(rowsNum, 4)).Font.Size=10
		Dim col ' running column
		Dim colsNum
		colsNum = 0
		for each col in tab.columns
			rowsNum = rowsNum + 1
			colsNum = colsNum + 1
			sheet.cells(rowsNum, 1) = col.name
			sheet.cells(rowsNum, 2) = col.code
			sheet.cells(rowsNum, 3) = col.datatype
			sheet.cells(rowsNum, 4) = col.comment
		rowsNum = rowsNum + 1
		sheet.cells(rowsNum, 1) =tab.name
		sheet.cells(rowsNum, 1).HorizontalAlignment=3
		sheet.cells(rowsNum, 2) = tab.code
		'sheet.cells(rowsNum, 3) = tab.comment
		'sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum, 3),sheet.cells(rowsNum, 4)).Merge	' 单元格合并
		If book.Sheets.count-1 < mdl.tables.count Then book.Sheets.Add
  End If
End Sub

' Show List Of Table
Sub ShowTableList(mdl, SheetList)
   ' Show tables of the current model/package
   Dim rowsNo
   output "[line(131) info]: 目录程序 begin"
   SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 1) = "主题"
   SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 2) = "表名称"
   SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 3) = "表编码"
   SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 4) = "表说明"
   rowsNo = rowsNo + 1
   SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 1) = mdl.name
   ' For each table
   Dim tab
   For Each tab In mdl.tables
     If IsObject(tab) Then
        rowsNo = rowsNo + 1
				SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 1) = ""
				SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 2) = tab.name
				SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 3) = tab.code
				SheetList.cells(rowsNo, 4) = tab.comment
     End If
	SheetList.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 20
	SheetList.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 20
	SheetList.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 30
	SheetList.Columns(4).ColumnWidth = 60
End Sub


  上一篇:PowerDesigner导出数据表结构到Excel 所有表结构在同一个Sheet中

